Hot Dog Carts at Factories – How To Get The Gig

Hey Steve, I've been thinking about steady forms of income and have thought that factories during lunch might be the way to go. How would you suggest going about talking to the factories? Should I call and make an appointment first? Also, who should I talk to, someone in HR? I don't know if you've [...]

Call The Cops – There’s A Kid Selling Hot Dogs!

Steve, Long ago before I ever thought about selling hot dogs, my son, who was 5 at the time, came up with the idea of selling hot dogs and lemonade on  our street.  Things were going just fine on his first selling adventure when the neighbor lady called the cops on my son.  Funny things [...]

Hot Dog Cart Breakfast Ideas

Hot Dog Cart Breakfast Ideas . Are you serving breakfast from your hot dog cart? HDCN reader Bruce Z. is definitely considering it. I wrote an article recently about Bruce's metal E-Z Built hot dog cart and the unique finish that he applied to it. We got a lot of comments from folks who were [...]

Hot Dog Onion Choppers

I periodically re-open the lid on a topic that is near and dear to every slinger's heart. What's the best way to chop your onions? From fancy machines to regular old knives, I know you must have a favorite method! Aran Campbell got the ball rolling. He writes... Hi Steve, I was at harbor freight today and [...]

What Kind of Hot Dog Should I Sell on my Hot Dog Cart?

Hi Steve, We are hoping to have a cart built and starting our business in by the first of the year. My husband and I are disagreeing on what type of hot dog we should sell. I have read in your Carts of Cash book to do a neighborhood taste test and for the first [...]

21 Questions to Ask When Buying or Selling a Hot Dog Cart Business

Hi Steve, I would like to sell my cart and business as one. How do I arrive at a price that's fair? Thanks, Anonymous ******************* Hey Mr A. , Is it built to sell? This is a something to keep in mind while you are building your hot dog cart business, not just when you [...]

Hate Cleaning Those Chili and Cheese Pans? Now You Don’t Have To.

You are going to LoVe this!!! Hot Dog Cart News reader Brian Freeman is about to make your day. He writes... ******************** Hey Steve, I really enjoy your tips and tricks. I need to do a better job at sharing. Here is a tip I can share if your members don't know about already. I [...]

Brushes With Fame at the Hot Dog Cart

Have you served any famous people at your hot dog cart? I have (I think...) Fun stuff today. Hey Steve, The last few weeks have had some exciting moments for me and my brother at the cart.  Actor Denis Leary has a little lake house just up the road from where I operate and his [...]

A Ban on Hot Dog Carts? Not Happening.

The vast majority of towns in the United States are quite friendly to mobile food vending. But every once in a while we encounter a bit of resistance. Hey, it wouldn't be a real business without some red tape. ;-) Here's how to cut through it. Hot Dog Cart News reader Kim G. writes... Dear [...]