Industrial parks

Hey Steve,

I’ve been thinking about steady forms of income and have thought that factories during lunch might be the way to go. How would you suggest going about talking to the factories? Should I call and make an appointment first? Also, who should I talk to, someone in HR? I don’t know if you’ve ever had any experience with taking the dogs to a factory environment, but at the very least I know you would have some advise.

Thanks again in advance,
Nathan K.


Hey Nathan,

Yes, factories represent a great opportunity for us doggers. You have a captive group of customers all in one place at one time.

A good strategy is to go to a different industrial park or factory each day. Go to the same ones on the same days so the employees get to know that Nathan the hot dog guy will be at their factory every Tuesday, for example.

To get permission to set up, just walk in and ask to see the HR person. Tell the receptionist that it’s about an employee perk that you want to provide for them. Dress nice of course and bring pictures of your set up.

Tell the HR person that you would like to provide a lunch alternative for the employees. Tell them that you can serve lunch right in the parking lot once a week so the employees don’t have to leave the premises. HR loves that because it cuts down on people returning late if they have to drive somewhere.

Then ask if the company might be willing to buy lunch for the employees once a week. HR is always looking for something to do to boost employee morale and a free lunch is always appreciated by the workers. Pitch it as an inexpensive benefit that makes management look good.

The great part about this tactic is that if the company is paying, twice as many workers will decide to eat at your cart that day. This not only doubles your sales, but builds your brand awareness in the community twice as fast.

Let me know how you do!

It’s share time slingers – what strategies, tactics, and pitches do you use to land industrial park or factory gigs? Let us know in the comments!

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