Hot Dog Cart Breakfast Ideas


Are you serving breakfast from your hot dog cart? HDCN reader Bruce Z. is definitely considering it. I wrote an article recently about Bruce’s metal E-Z Built hot dog cart and the unique finish that he applied to it. We got a lot of comments from folks who were blown away by the results.

Bruce followed up with me a few days ago to tell me that he’s been hitting the streets with his awesome cart and doing well, but the part of his letter that really grabbed me was his idea about offering something for the breakfast crowd. He writes…


Hi Steve,

Just wanted to say thanks again for the nice article you wrote and all of your great programs which enabled me to build and enjoy my own business. I couldn’t have done it with out you.

Just to let you and my fellow slingers know, I purchased the 20 inch aluminum flashing at Lowes not Home Depot. I have to tell you after building the cart and getting the compliments, that I didn’t care if I had even sold a hot dog!

Now I’m working a farmers market Saturdays 7:30am till 12:30pm and I’m loving it. I’m not getting rich, but I’m doing well. My girlfriend and I got lucky when we came across a specific hot dog ( not a major brand ) and the flavor is unbelievable. The expressions and compliments on how good they taste that we get from the customers when they bite into them makes it all worth while !!! I keep the brand classified and Top Secret !!!

I wish the hours for the farmers market were till 2 or 3pm as allot of people walk up in the morning and look at their watches and say, “too early for a hot dog”. I went last night and heated up a couple of dogs & buns and put sugar free pancake syrup on them (don’t make that expression until you try it ), NOT BAD !!! That may be a solution to a breakfast sandwich for the morning crowd.

Thanks again Steve for all your help,
Bruce of  “Bruce’s Hot Dog Cartel”


Once again, great job on your E-Z Built Bruce! I really like your idea of transforming a lunch time staple into a breakfast item by adding the maple syrup to it. I LOVE putting syrup on my breakfast sausages and a hot dog is really just another kind of sausage. Makes perfect sense to me.

O.K. readers, we’re brainstorming in the comments today. Let’s say that you just landed a big breakfast gig for a week from today. What can you come up with to serve all those early risers?

I know that health department rules vary wildly, so let’s just assume for this brainstorming session that we can serve whatever we want. This will help us come up with things that we may not have considered before.

For those of us with relaxed health inspectors, we can take these ideas and run with them. For those with tighter codes, perhaps we can modify the ideas to work in our particular situation. For example, bacon is a breakfast mainstay and would be a great ingredient. Cooking raw bacon on your cart would not work for most of us (imagine how the smell would bring in the customers!) but there are precooked bacon products on the market that many health codes would allow.

The point is to just throw a bunch of ideas against the wall. Then each of us can each pick and choose those ideas that will work in our particular situations.

We don’t need to confine our ideas to just hot dogs. There are a lot of different precooked sausages on the market that would be a wonderful foundation for a breakfast creation. And don’t forget turkey dogs, vegetarian dogs, stuff like that.

Condiments and toppings are what will set these culinary creations apart. I can’t wait to see what we come up with here. Really put on your thinking caps and get crazy with the add-ons. Non traditional combinations of traditional ingredients are all the rage right now.

Finally, don’t forget to play with your buns. There are a lot of options in the bread department. Wraps, tortillas, buns, rolls. Get creative! O.K. slingers…



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