We Need Your Help, Slingers. It’s Never Been This Bad.

Please don't let this become law. I just got an email from HDP reader Mike Saffreti. Mike tipped me off to a new piece of legislation being proposed that will require mobile food vendors to wear hats shaped like the foods that they serve from their carts. The purpose of this bill is to allow [...]

Selling Ribs From A Hot Dog Cart?

Let's talk ribs! *************************** Hi Steve, I’m locking up a new location at a flea market and would like to introduce ribs to my menu. I’m not sure how to go about pricing. I have sold them at another location and did great but it was more of a private club type of setting. The [...]

Do This Today to Increase Your Hot Dog Success

Money follows speed. Need to make money fast? If you find yourself in that situation you are not alone. I'm going to show you how to fast track your hot dog biz as I answer a great question from a Hot Dog Profits Premium member. ************************ Hi Steve, I have always planned that when I [...]

Hot Dog Cart at a Car Wash. Name That Hot Dog…

Hey Slinger! My good friend and HDP Premium member Roger Kotte just got a new location at a car wash. He wants to come up with a "signature" hot dog for that location. Roger writes... ********************* Hey Steve We've been asked to set up at a car wash. Any suggestions on a name for a [...]

Transitioning From Day Job to Hot Dog Cart Business

Steve, I just finished all the legal stuff with the health department and such and now I'm in a pickle. Now that I'm ready to start selling, I was gonna do some weekend gigs, events here and there and maybe hit the bar scene. Well I'm friends with the county commissioner and he went asked [...]

Video – Easy Digital Photo Menu for your Hot Dog Cart

My motto for aspiring hot dog cart operators has always been, "Don't just sell a hot dog, sell an experience." One of the best ways to do that is to create your own "signature" gourmet hot dogs using unique combinations of toppings. Then be sure to give each hot dog creation a catchy and memorable [...]

Get Our Hot Dog Cash Tracker Software Free

Hey Slinger, I have a great money saving tip for you today. As you may or may not know, you can get one year of our Cash Tracker software (the only bookkeeping software built specifically for hot dog vendors) for no charge by taking advantage of our free website offer. By the way, this isn't [...]

A Hot Dog Valentine

Here are some old time valentines that you can give to your wife or girlfriend (husband or boyfriend for you ladies). Not at the same time of course. ;-) That was a joke. Hello? Is this thing on? Right click and open in a new window or tab to print.      

Hot Dog Cart Franchise

Steve , There is a customer who comes around my cart. Loves the business and wants to partner up. I do not know if I want a partner, but I was thinking of maybe setting up a hot dog cart franchise. How would I go about doing that? What do I need to make sure [...]