My motto for aspiring hot dog cart operators has always been, “Don’t just sell a hot dog, sell an experience.”

One of the best ways to do that is to create your own “signature” gourmet hot dogs using unique combinations of toppings. Then be sure to give each hot dog creation a catchy and memorable name.

For example, I serve a dog on my own cart called The Buffalo Cruncher. It’s a 100% black angus beef hot dog topped with ranch dressing, Louisiana hot sauce, and French’s crunchy fried onions. If you like hot wings, you’ll LOVE the Buffalo Cruncher.

By creating a unique hot dog with a catchy name you are setting yourself apart from the competition and creating customer loyalty. I have many customers that come to my cart once or twice a week because they just love the Buffalo Cruncher and my cart is the only place they can get one.

Well my good friend and fellow hot dog slinger Esteban Guzman (Stevie’s Red Hot Weenies)  is taking this concept one step further.

He just sent me a video of his latest hot dog cart marketing tool. How cool is this?!!!

Stevie bought one of those digital picture frames and loaded it with pictures of his hot dog creations. The frame will sit on his cart so folks passing by can see how delicious and unique Stevie’s Red Hot Weenies are. Now THAT is an attention grabber and experience enhancer all in one!

There is only change I would make. I would use a photo editor to print the name of each hot dog on the picture. That turns the slide show into a digital photo menu!

I’m definitely going to be using one of these on my own cart this season. I suggest you do too, slinger!

Thanks again Esteban (mi hermano de otra madre!) What an awesome idea you came up with and were nice enough to share with the Hot Dog Profits community!


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