Money follows speed.

Need to make money fast? If you find yourself in that situation you are not alone. I’m going to show you how to fast track your hot dog biz as I answer a great question from a Hot Dog Profits Premium member.


Hi Steve,

I have always planned that when I turned 40 I would start a business of some kind because I want to teach my children entrepreneurship in a business we can do together.

The hot dog business seems perfect because it’s low investment for a reasonable return with flexible hours.

So, I’ve been taking my time trying to make everything perfect for my little business – but now my situation has changed. I need cash fast, and my little orderly business plans are out the window.

So……. my question to you……I don’t really want to cut corners, and I tend to be a perfectionist, but I’ve got to move my behind on this. Can you counsel me how to go fast?

I am watching the videos in Hot Dog Profits Premium and putting my plan of action together. Like is this possible to be slinging next week? What am I looking at here from your experience?



Hi Elpi,

Yes, you could be making money a week from now, but only if you…


Taking massive action right now is the only way to be wildly successful in a short period of time. You simply can not wait for everything to be perfect.

You gotta be the cheetah.

Get out there now, do something fast, make big mistakes, learn from them, and move on as quickly as possible.

(Mistakes are a natural byproduct of growth. If you aren’t making any, you’re not pushing hard enough.)

How fast can you get your hot dog biz up and running? Dig this…

I have a student who joined HDP Premium on a Sunday evening and started going through the course work. He got so excited that he went out on Tuesday and booked a gig for Saturday.

Problem was, he didn’t have a cart yet…

Time to be the cheetah.

So he busted his behind and built an E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart from our plans and videos in just 3 days! When I asked him how he did that, he modestly replied that he was former military and he was used to doing what ever he had to to Get Things Done. No biggie.

That is awesome! And that is exactly how successful slingers think and operate.

So think about what you are going to do TODAY to move you closer to your goal.

Then stop thinking about it – and DO IT. Make sure it gets done today, come hell or high water.

Do that every day and you will accomplish more in one week than most folks accomplish in one month.

To your success!


P.S. Readers – tell me what you are going to do TODAY to be the Cheetah. What will you do to TODAY to either start your hot dog biz, or to take it to the next level. Let’s hear you in the comments!

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