Kevin S. knew he wanted to get into the Hot Dog Biz but couldn’t see spending thousands on a cart. So he built his own EZ Built Hot Dog Cart – but like so many others, he decided to do a few custom mods of his own.

The results are simply amazing (see the photos below). I have honestly never seen a cart like this before. And how cool is that logo? I’m so impressed!

You also need to check out his ingenious menu board which is simple, elegant, and functional. Looks like I have a new project for the E-Z Built cart I use in my own hot dog business 🙂

If Kevin’s name sounds familiar, that’s because he was featured here in Hot Dog Cart News about a very clever video he did in order to get funding for his hot dog cart business. Kevin has been in the performance and music industry and he put his talents to work raising start up money. His efforts resulted in getting his business fully funded on the website Kickstarter. Very cool!

Here is the letter he recently wrote me:



I can’t believe the day finally arrived that I am able to send you pics of my finished cart! I’m excited to get ‘er out on the streets. I’m sending you way more pics than you will ever use but wanted to give you a variety. I’m also really proud of the menu display that I built.

Kevin S.
Wicked Dogs


Congratulations Kevin! I’m super proud of you. Not only did you build one of the most unique E-Z Builts that I’ve ever seen, you went out and raised all the money you needed to start your own business. You ROCK!!!

That kind of stick-to-itiveness is exactly what we need right now to pull our country out of this slump. Self sufficiency and perseverance are qualities that everyone in America used to have. It’s what made us proud as individuals and strong as a nation. Now it’s not as common.

But folks like Kevin are bringing it back. That makes me optimistic. I hope the trend continues. Check out the pics of Kevins EZ Built and let him know what you think in the comments.

Wishing you pride, and success, and freedom!


P.S. If you want to see about 300 of pictures of my other customers E-Z Built carts, you can see them here.

Click the pics for a larger version.

Click here for free hot dog cart lessons by email.