happy hot doggers

Every once in a while I get an email from a reader that truly warms my heart. Actually it happens quite a lot. That’s one of the many reasons why I love publishing this newsletter for you. (Pictures below)

Ed writes…



As you can see from the pictures, Yankee Doodle Doggie is up and running. I am still working my Monday through Friday job so this will be weekend work for me and I love it! When my wife saw the paint job of red white and blue, she suggested the name.

One day a few weeks ago before the health department inspection, she told me she said a prayer for the success of the hot dog cart business and looking for a sign that things would work out. That same day, after I got home from work, I pulled the cart out of the garage to put on some finishing touches for the inspection. Our county assessor was out knocking doors for his re-election campaign, was driving by and had to stop when he saw the cart. He told me he was having his meet and greet with a few others running for office for their campaign headquarters and they thought they would just order pizza. He told me he didn’t want pizza; he wanted HOT DOGS and was wondering if there was any way at all for me to be there. Well I was there, and it was a great hit and I made a little money in the process. My wife’s prayer was answered quickly!

I’ve also been to a nearby flea market on Saturday and will continue that for the moment. I have help with my son in law David and my granddaughter Gigi.

Thanks for all your support and help in getting this up and running!

Ed Sweeden
Yankee Doodle Doggie


Ed, you did a beautiful job on the cart and I really LOVE the patriotic color scheme. As you may know I am very proud of my country and of those who protect and serve her. I’m also crazy about you folks who work hard each day to create new businesses and opportunities for yourselves and others.

And today I’m especially proud of YOU Ed.

Your E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart really came out nice and it’s also a great lesson in branding. Think about it. That paint job literally made a man stop in his tracks, approach you, and offer to pay you. How cool is that?

You are also blessed to have such a wonderful family who supports you in your slingin’ biz. Your son in law and granddaughter really look happy in these pictures. You are a lucky man indeed Ed.

Thanks for sharing your story with me. Please let me know how else I can help you. And that applies to all of you, dear readers,


P.S. Let’s hear it for Ed, David, and Gigi in the comments!

click on the picture below for a larger image


Arkansas Hot Dog Cart Arkansas Hot Dog Cart 2 Arkansas Hot Dog Cart 3

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