Buying a Turn Key Hot Dog Cart Business? Here’s What to Look For…

This question is from Hot Dog Cart News reader Rich. He writes... Steve, I need some advice. Have opportunity to buy a NY style cart plus location which is best in town. (town is 80 miles away) The owner prefers the girls there now keep operating the cart which suits me perfectly! I'm a shift [...]

Hot Dog Cart Promos at Auto Dealerships

This just in from HDCN reader (and proud E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart owner) Ed in Lincoln, Nebraska... Hello Steve, We are coming down to getting licenses and soon to hit the street. We did contact some big auto dealers to set up for their promotions and got some interest. Our problem is finding the [...]

Hot Dog Business Success Story – Chris and Amy Jenkins Make the Paper!

I got an email from one of my Hot Dog Biz 101 students, Chris Jenkins. I wrote an article on his hot dog cart business a while back and I just found out that he made the paper in his hometown - woo hoo! You can read the article below, but first check out the [...]

Wieners on Water Tee Shirts

This just in from first mate Jim at Wieners on Water (WoW). Jim is the laid back first mate on the WoW boat where he sells hot dogs to all manner of water loving boating type folk. Never 'twas a finer lad who lashed a bowline to a bollard. Aaaarg! I was first acquainted with [...]

Hot Dog Cart Cash Registers – Pros and Cons

Ummm... A little too big... Hey Hot Doggers! Last week we started a series on handling the money you make with a hot dog cart. Today we're continuing our lesson by covering hot dog cart cash registers. Like I said last week, I prefer to work from a money roll now that I'm [...]

Hot Dog Cart Money Handling Video

While I was slingin' hot dogs at the parade last Sunday I kept thinking about all of my students out there (that means you, dear reader). I asked myself, "Self, do my hot dog cart sisters and brothers know all the different ways to handle all this cash?" It dawned on me that a lot [...]

I Made $300 In 2 Hours Yesterday… Then I Gave It All Away.

Yesterday there was a parade in town to kick off the annual Town and Country Fair. And yes, they had my favorite, THE SHRINER CARS - woo hoo! If you live in the country, you know that the fair is still a pretty big deal. Well, this particular fair is THE really big deal around [...]

Hot Dog Cart How-To: Lid Lock Instructions and Drawings

A few months ago we showed you a hot dog cart steam pan lid lock designed by HDCN reader Pat. We got such a great response that I asked Pat to show us the construction details so we can all make one for our carts. Pat came through for us! He writes... **************************** Here it [...]

Winner, Winner…

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! First, I just gotta say WOW!!! There were so many awesome ideas submitted by you ultra-creative slingers. Picking a winner was really tough. A lot of the best entries involved photos and while that would be difficult to do in a contest setting, it is still a lot of fun to [...]