
Yesterday there was a parade in town to kick off the annual Town and Country Fair. And yes, they had my favorite, THE SHRINER CARS – woo hoo!


If you live in the country, you know that the fair is still a pretty big deal. Well, this particular fair is THE really big deal around here. In fact, it is the highpoint of the year.

This year the parade had over 170 entries and thousands of people braved the 95 degree heat to see it.

I set up my hot dog cart right on the parade route and sold a lot of hot dogs, given the heat. When I totaled up the sales, I had over three hundred dollars in my hand.

Then I gave it all to a guy named Alan.

You see, Alan is the awesome gentleman who runs the youth ministry at my church, and we were selling hot dogs to help fund activities for our young people.

It feels really nice to have a machine sitting in your garage that can make you a few hundred bucks when ever you need it.

It feels especially nice when you use that machine to do some good in your community.

And it feels humbling to know that in the process, you are serving Him.

Roll ’em all up together and that’s enough feel-good to last you a good long time.

I encourage you to do some charity work for the organization of your choice. It’s great publicity for your business and it pumps some much needed goodness into the world.

O.K. all you do-gooders, what kind of fund raising events have you slung dogs for? What other ways can you think of to slather a thick layer of love and wonderfulness all over your community – with the aid of a few good franks? Let me know in the comments!




P.S. Stay tuned to Hot Dog Cart News for a new series starting this Thursday. It’s a big, meaty, instructional, hands-on, picture and video extravaganza of knowledge that you can use right now. In fact it’s so big that we had to break it into three parts. You’re gunna dig it!


My wife took some pictures of me slinging the ‘ol dogs around yesterday. You can check them out below. (The first thing I noticed was that I put on a few pounds since I shot the E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart videos three years ago. OK, more than a few… Yikes!) Click the pics for a larger view.

Picture 2 Picture 1 Picture 3

Here are a couple of shots of my better side…

Picture 4 Picture 5

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