How to Price Private Parties with your Hot Dog Cart

This one is from Pete and it concerns pricing out your services for private parties. In his email to me he describes a unique tiered pricing structure which he uses for "all you can eat" gigs. Pete writes... ************************ Hi Steve, Couple thoughts on pricing. It is a tough call doing the “Per Person” pricing. [...]

Thank You Veterans!

  I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the men and women who served or are currently serving in our armed forces. America wouldn't be the land of the free without your sacrifices. I know that many of you who read my newsletter are veterans. If I have spoken with [...]

Me Slingin’

Here's a video of me slingin' dogs recently. This is one of the videos from the Hot Dog Profits Premium training membership. Enjoy! Want to learn how you can do this too? Click here and I'll teach you everything I know. -Steve

Wooden Nickles on The Hot Dog Boat

Aaarg, me wooden nickle fetched up at the post office last week! Check out the newest promo from our friend Jim at Weiners on Water. It's a custom made wooden nickle that they pass out to customers. 1st Mate Jim writes... **************************** Ahoy on the Red Arrow !! The wooden nickle idea turned out better [...]

Giant American Hot Dogs in Antwerp Belgium

I love when I hear from our international readers!!! Vincent Meers is bringing the iconic American hot dog cart to the streets of Antwerp. How cool! Vincent writes, ********************************* Hi Steve, Just to let you know I'm a follower of your newsletter and website. Me and my brother started a hotdog business on the side [...]

Winterizing Your Hot Dog Cart

Hey there, Every year about this time I send out a video that shows you how to winterize your hot dog cart. You need to do this to avoid some expensive damage, especially if you are using an on demand water heater. Watch this today! -Steve

Derek’s Hawaiian Hot Dog Cart. Seriously Unbelievable.

You MUST see the pictures of this Hawaiian hot dog cart at the end of the article. You'll be blown away. Derek writes, *************************** Hello Steve, I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit, so when I visited the Hawaiian Islands a few years back and ate one of the best hot dogs I’ve ever had at [...]

Make This Two Tiered Condiment Shelf

Simple, cool, useful, and easy to make... Click the pictures for a larger view. Thank you to Kevin of "Wicked Dogs"!

Wicked Dogs Lives!!!

Long time Hot Dog Cart News readers will remember Kevin S. Kevin got the start up money for his hot dog biz "Wicked Dogs" on Kickstarter by making a highly entertaining video sales pitch that pulled in the funds necessary to build a very unique E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart (pics below) and finance his [...]