A hot dog heads up plus a contest

Hey Slinger, Just so you know I'm on vacation this week, hence no Monday newsletter. However, I do like to run contests while I'm on the road so how about this one... I'm thinking of taking another road trip sometime this fall but I'm not sure where to go. It would be pretty cool to [...]

Gig Post – Seven and Twelve

This is a seven Location Gig with an option on 12 more. We posted this a while back but we still need more carts!!! This is a seven location event in Austin, TX on Aug 2nd and 3rd. If you own a single cart you can get a single location. If you own a fleet [...]

Success Story – From A Curious Phone Call to Full Time Hot Dog Slinger

Hey Steve, Just thought I'd drop a line to update you on what is going on with the business.  As you know, I had decided to take a leap of faith and pursue my dreams and left my day job for slinging dogs on Ft. Hood. Let me say that I have made the right [...]

Help Tammy Name Her Hot Dog Cart Business

We've done this a couple of times before and it's always really fun... ******************** Hi Steve, I have been a long time follower. I had a hot dog cart in PA for 3 years and moved back to OH last November (2012). By the way I sold the cart and contacts at a considerable profit. [...]

Independence Day

It Took The Combined Resources of Three Companies - Click Here For Our Biggest Giveaway Ever - Click for a larger image In June 1776, as Thomas Jefferson composed a draft of the Declaration of Independence from a second floor parlor of a bricklayer's house in Philadelphia, the largest invasion force in British [...]

Here’s What Getting Over The Hump Feels Like

Dear Steve, I think it's all finally coming together! Aside from the rain being a killer in opportunity to get out there, business is exceptional. If I could just get out there more often and the weather would change for the better, I'd be rolling in it by now. Twice now in the last week [...]

How to Get a Hot Dog Cart for $200

This is such a cool story. Monti Yvon, a Hot Dog Profits Premium member from California just emailed me to tell me how he got his hot dog cart for an initial investment of $200. You're going to love this, slinger! Monti writes… ****************** Hello Steve. 1st I want to thank you for your inspiration. [...]

Questions from Hot Dog Profits Premium Members

Here are some of the questions that came in from Hot Dog Profits Premium members over the weekend. Also a fun tool you can play with to see if the free website name you want is available. E-Z Built Video – Metal Secrets Part 2 Steve, Glad to be here as a Premium member. I [...]

High School Hot Doggin’

Hi Steve, just thought I would drop you a few pics of our recent gig. This is spring fling at the local High School, they asked us to come at the last minute because something happened to their regular vendor. They said they didn't care what I bring just get there. I dug into my [...]