Hi Steve, just thought I would drop you a few pics of our recent gig.

This is spring fling at the local High School, they asked us to come at the last minute because something happened to their regular vendor. They said they didn’t care what I bring just get there.

I dug into my bag of magic tricks and took the E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart, Lemonade Stand and Dip & Dot ice cream stand. It went over so well the principle asked me if I could take all the stands down to the football field that night for the powder puff game. That I was not expecting.

Needless to say by 11.00pm I was “dog” tired.

I have been told that the old vendor is now out and we’re in from now on.

Here is little bit of advice I can give anyone that wants to tackle a high school event. If the principle tells you these are only kids, they don’t have much money to spend… BULL@#*% ! These kids have more money in their pockets than all the teachers combined. And will spend every last penny of it.

Kenny, Hot Dog Express

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