How To Clean a Stainless Steel Hot Dog Cart

Steve I have just purchased a new custom hot dog cart yesterday and I would like to know the best way to clean the stainless steel from finger print smudges that were left on the cart from the building of the cart. I have tried vineger and water and it does not work so well. [...]

Bernie’s Hot Dog Cart Is On Page One Of Google

Click for a larger image. And the funny thing is he doesn't even have a cart yet! Bernie took advantage of our free website offer and has been applying the marketing training that we provide along with it. As you may recall, the free websites that we are building and installing (for anyone [...] for sale

Hey Slingers, I have a bunch of premium domain names that I've been collecting and I'm thinking about letting some of them go. This particular one, expired on the 10th but it's still got a 45 day grace period during which I can renew it or transfer it to a new owner. I got [...]

Gig Post – Slingers Needed for Sept 12th, 13th, 14th

I need nine carts to work events in the Dallas Metro area on Sept 12th, 13th, 14th. Each vendor will net $750 for 8 hours of serving time. Here is some feedback that I got from the promoter regarding the last bunch of vendors that I sent him... ********************** "The readers of your website helped me [...]

Gross vs Net Profit at the Hot Dog Cart

Hi Steve! Great article on pricing events last week. Can you explain to me how to apply the cost of my condiments ie onions,relish,sauerkraut,olives. Also the cost of daily ice to the selling price of the hot dog,brats,polish sausage,Italian sausage? My dogs are $2,Brats $3, Polish $2.50, Italian $2.50, chips $1, pop $1, Water $1, [...]

How To Do an Auto Dealer Hot Dog Cart Promotion

Hi Steve, I was wondering, how do you price an event like an auto dealership promotion where the dealership gives away free hot dogs to attract customers? I have a friend who is a car dealer and was talking to him about the business and he is interested in doing a promo with hot dogs, [...]

Gig Post – Hot Dog Slingers needed for two gigs

Early August Hot Dog Cart Gigs The slingers on my gig post list got first dibs two days ago but we still need some vendors to work gigs in Johnstown, PA and Uniontown, PA for August 8 and 9th, (about 3 hours from Pittsburgh). If you want one of these, contact me. Thanks! -Steve

Hot Dog Cart Success Story – Bruce Morrison

Hot Dog Profits Premium Member Bruce Morrison is rockin' it in Tennessee. He just sent me an invite in response to my last newsletter. I'm thinking of taking a road trip sometime this fall and it would be cool to visit with some slingers along the way. Bruce writes... ******************************** Hi Steve, My wife and [...]

Hot Doggers Needed for Gigs

Happy Hot Dog Day! I've got more local gigs coming down the pipe and I need slingers with carts who want to make some money. I'll be sending all new gig posts to this list from now on so if you want first dibs on local hot dog selling opportunities you need to sign up [...]