free hot dog cart websites

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And the funny thing is he doesn’t even have a cart yet!

Bernie took advantage of our free website offer and has been applying the marketing training that we provide along with it.

As you may recall, the free websites that we are building and installing (for anyone who wants one) have some advanced technology built into the back end that allows the site to find it’s way very quickly to the top of Google.

Dig this…

The site that we built for Bernie is less than two weeks old. It has already climbed to #4 out of 7,120,000 results on Google.

Bernie writes,


Steve, I have only had my site up a few days and followed your advice in the training section. I am listed on page one for my town + hot dog cart.

The best part is I do not have a cart yet!!!!!

I am that close to the top after only 3 posts going against our 3 local hot dog stands that have been here for years. I am a computer geek programmer and never had results like this with any keywords. I am so thrilled.

Thank You Steve for this wonderful package.

Bernie Null
Snappers Hot Dogs


Mr. Null is going about his start up in the right way. Instead of first getting a cart up and running and then thinking about how to get customers (like most newbie slingers do), Bernie is working on his marketing now so that he will have customers ready to go on his opening day.

Do you think Bernie is going to be successful right out of the gate? I sure do.

Great job Bernie!!!


P.S. If you let my marketing team build you a free website you will also get free access to the most complete mobile food business training resource on the planet, our Hot Dog Profits Premium Membership (includes our cart building videos – why pay $99 when you can get it free?). All you need is a name for your business and you can get started just like Bernie.

Click here for free hot dog cart lessons by email.