Hot Dogtapus!

Hey Steve, My cousin posted this one on facebook. Thought the other slingers would like this variation on our inventory. Robin/Lakeside Lunch That is awesome Robin. Thanks for sending it in! I used to make these for my kids when they were little. It's fun and it also removes the choking hazard. -Steve

Gig Post – Hot Dog Cart Needed for Feb 8th Event

********************** Update: This hot dog cart gig has been filled. -Steve

“Eye” See A Hot Dog Cart Opportunity Here

Hi Steve, I had a set back when I was told I needed eye surgery for a detached retina the very next day. It was that serious. My problem is I have to rest for a month to heal. I had to turn down a gig, my two locations at auctions, and I had to [...]

“Hot Dog Mike” is Slingin’ the Dream on the Jersey Shore

Selling hot dogs from a cart outside of bars and nightclubs is some of the most profitable slingin' there is. If this form of hot doggin' interests you, you're going to LOVE the following story... and be sure to check out all the pictures below! First Mike built his own E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart [...]

Help Name This Father and Son Hot Dog Cart

Hi Steve, I'm building the E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart from your videos. I've got a 7 year old that got me started. He said that he would help me work on it and when we get it all the way running he wants to help sell hot dogs. This was his idea to do [...]

Twas The Night Before Christmas – HotDog Style!

This has been passed around for years now but it was originally written for us at by Chef J. Gagion, (a.k.a. Pocono Hot Dog). Merry Christmas and God bless all the slingers. I'll see you in 2014 - Enjoy! “Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the streets, were carts upon carts, selling [...]

Crossing State Lines With Hot Dog Carts

I just received a good question from a slinger who is in the start-up phase of his hot dog biz. I don't pull any punches with my answer. Read on... Steve, I appreciate the way you answer your emails. I live in Indiana and am pursuing licensing here. I also work a lot in Illinois [...]

Upload Your Hot Dog Photos

Hey Slingers and Wanna-be Slingers alike, We just installed a fancy new photo uploader on this page. It allows you to upload photos of your own hot dogs for all the world to see. It says "Submit a Media File" but don't worry, media file is just a fancy word for "picture". Give it a [...]

Which Hot Dog Cart Start Up Book Should You Read?

Which Hot Dog Cart Start Up Book Should You Read? It's a common question. But at it's core, it's a fundamentally flawed one. Why? Because it's the wrong question to ask. And if you ask the wrong question, you'll never get the right anwer. I don't know why, but newbie and seasoned hot dog slingers [...]