The Slinger Life. Hot Dog Freedom.

The Slinger Life. Hot Dog Freedom.   Here is where I was yesterday… Hey Slinger (or soon to be slinger), Something happened to me this morning that made me laugh. It also reminded me why I am so grateful that I have a hot dog biz and why I feel really sorry for anyone who still works for someone else. I just got off the phone with a new Premium Member. He had joined us yesterday and said he loved all the courses in the online members area. He was really pumped up. He wanted to order the hard copies because he is currently driving a truck and is without internet access a lot of the time. He wanted to be able to study on the road so he could get out of the trucking business as fast as possible. I took his order over the phone at around 10 am, hung up, and laughed. What was so funny? […]

Construction Drawing and More Pics of Marks “Good Doggy” Cart

Construction Drawing and More Pics of Marks “Good Doggy” Cart Hey Slinger, Short and sweet today. Mark wanted me to share with you his construction drawing and some pics of the cart that you saw in yesterday’s video. Here you go! […]

You’ve Never Seen a Hot Dog Cart Like This One

You’ve Never Seen a Hot Dog Cart Like This. Hot Dog Profits Premium Member Mark Hintrich just sent me a video tour of his new hot dog cart. I think you’ll like this one a LOT! Mark certainly has a one of a kind hot dog cart. I guarantee you have never seen one quite like his. Is it an open air cart? Yes. Is it a stand in cart? Yes. Does it have more storage than any other cart of the same size? Yessiree Bob. Check out this great video… […]

Add These Simple Menu Items to Increase Sales at Your Hot Dog Cart.

Add These Simple Menu Items to Increase Sales at Your Hot Dog Cart. Hi Steve, I would be interested in what items your slingers have added to their menu or cart sales in general that have increased their overall sales. I’m looking for something that will attract customers aside from hot dogs, sausage and soda, perhaps something else to sell. I have thought of popcorn, peanuts, even ice cream! -Rick *********************************** Hey Rick, Wow, the number of items is really endless, as long as you can get health department approval. One of the highest profit margin items is […]

Hot Dog Slingers – Are You an Entrepreneur?

Hot Dog Slingers – Are You an Entrepreneur?   Hey Slinger, I have been teaching folks how to start and run their own successful hot dog business since 2007. In that time I have come to realize something pretty cool. You are truly some of the most entrepreneurial people on the planet! The sheer creativity with which you approach your hot dog biz is so impressive. Every day I get email from slingers who tell me about a neat twist that they came up with. Something that makes their business unique in their town. I also found out that many of you have more than one business. Or that you have owned other businesses in the past. I’m just like you. I’ve done […]

Hot Dog Cart Needed $100 an hour Guaranteed.

Hot Dog Cart Needed $100 an hour Guaranteed. Who wants $600 for six hours of fun (I mean work)? I need a Hot Dog Cart vendor for a two day gig on July 24th and 25th. It’s 3 hours on July 24th from 3 to 6 pm, and 3 hours on Saturday July 25th from 11 – 2 pm. It is a store Grand Opening event. You will give away 700 Hot Dogs each day, ketchup and mustard ONLY. The promoter will reimburse you up front for all product costs and pay you $600 for your time. Here are the details… […]

Build a Hot Dog Cart Outdoors? Yes.

Build a Hot Dog Cart Outdoors? Here’s How.   Build a hot dog cart outdoors? This guy did. More pics below… I am often asked how to build a hot dog cart if you don’t have a garage. One gentleman recently asked, “I have been lurking around your site for a while now and I really want to take the hot dog plunge. If I have to build it away from home would that be a problem?” Here is a better question, “If I keep thinking about it and never get started, would that be a problem?” One of my students and his wife recently made $1800 in one […]

How to Get Rid of Flies at the Hot Dog Cart

How to Get Rid of Flies at the Hot Dog Cart It’s that time of year again. The flies are back. I don’t know about you but the black flies are especially thick right now. I HATE flies. There is nothing worse than serving up a beautiful, tasty hot dog and having a fly walk across it as you hand it to the customer. AAAARGH!!! Yes, the customer realizes that we are outdoors and kind of expects stuff like this but still… It makes my blood boil. I want to kill ’em all! Unfortunately that’s impossible, so the next best thing is to somehow keep them away from your cart. Check this out… […]

I Thought You Brought The Tongs.

Slinging with your spouse can test of the strength of your marriage, lol. But it's a whole lot of fun when things are running smooth. Happy Friday my friend! -Steve