Build a Hot Dog Cart Outdoors? Here’s How.


Build a Hot Dog Cart Outdoors

Build a hot dog cart outdoors? This guy did. More pics below…

I am often asked how to build a hot dog cart if you don’t have a garage.

One gentleman recently asked, “I have been lurking around your site for a while now and I really want to take the hot dog plunge. If I have to build it away from home would that be a problem?”

Here is a better question, “If I keep thinking about it and never get started, would that be a problem?”

One of my students and his wife recently made $1800 in one day. You won’t be able to do that yourself until you get off the couch.

I think you can see that the real problem is not where to build it. The real problem is you putting it off.

Successful business owners ACT. They don’t sit around weighing pros and cons very long.

Do. Or don’t do. Decide now.

If you decide YES, here are some ways to build a cart without a garage:

Many of my students have built their own E-Z Built hot dog carts without a garage. All of these are actual stories told to me by my students.

Borrow a friends garage for a week.

Find a storage place that will let you work there (not all storage places are cool with that so check first).

Build it in your living room. The body detaches from the trailer frame with four bolts. You can take the body off the frame, turn it sideways, and it will fit through most doorways.

Build it in your apartment.

Many businesses have warehouses that are not fully utilized. See if you can rent some of their unused space. Or better yet, ask them if you can build your cart there in exchange for treating their employees to a free hot dog lunch when you are up and running.

Or easiest of all, build it in your yard. Just tarp it when you are not working on it. That’s what Stevie of Stevie’s Red Hot Wienies did. It came out great (pics below)!

Jump in with both feet and just do it. Get started. Thinking about it for another six months will get you no where.

You can get the online videos and plans now. Like instantly. You can start watching the videos five minutes from now.

You could be selling hot dogs a week from today. This thing builds fast.

Ready to go? Here is the link to my best offer: You’ll get my cart building videos and plans plus all my best training on running a hot dog business. And you’ll get all of it today.

I’m in the private members area every day helping folks just like you. We’ll build it together.

I’ll see you inside!


P.S. Here is an E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart that was built in the owner’s front yard. Stevie just threw a tarp over it between construction sessions. It came out fantastic!

Click the picture for a larger version.


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