Well, not actually ON a hot dog cart. That would be a mess.

nachos on a hot dog cart

Hot Dog Cart News regular reader Michael Wood a.k.a. “The Best Looking Hot Dog Man in Georgia”, owner of Dugg’s Doggs writes…


I thought that I would ask the smart people this question!! I have started doing Nachos on the cart, I was wondering if you or any of your readers that do Nachos could answer a storage question for me.  Once you open the 106 oz can of cheese, how long can you store it?  What do you do with the cheese left over from one day to the next?  Do you reheat the cheese?  What is the best Cheese Pump/warmer to buy?

I had a event this weekend and the Nachos did great at $3 per order (that breaks down to about $2.00 profit per order), going to try them this comming weekend and then deside if I am going to invest in a Cheese pump.  I don’t plan to do them during the week at my street spot but I will do them at festivals.

Michael S. Wood
Duggs Doggs
“Good!! Good!!”


Add-ons like nachos have great profit margins. I’m just curious why some folks only want to do them at festivals. A lot of my slingers do them daily and LOVE the extra sales. There are BIG differences between daily location vending and festival vending but nachos lend themselves equally well to either.

I know we have a lot of Nacho-ers in the readership. What say you? How long can you keep an opened can? Do you use pumps? Ladels? What kind of container do you serve them in?

Wanda Swan, you’re my Nacho Queen – can you help Michael (the BLHDMIG) out? And let’s hear it from all the rest of you nacho mommas and daddys in the comments.



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