Selling coffee and hot drinks on a cart

As the weather turns cooler, demand for coffee, hot chocolate, and cider increases. Hot drinks are a big seller this time of year and they have a very nice profit margin.

So today’s question is from Charlie. He writes…


Hi Steve,
I need your help. Do you know what I could look into as far as selling coffee from my cart? I have been asked to do breakfast at my site and I really don’t know what is truly cost effective to hold the coffee in. I just need some ideas.
Best Regards,


I have a lot of slingers here at Hot Dog Cart News who sell hot drinks. One in particular, Roger V, sells coffee and related beverages exclusively from his totally cool Moto-Espresso Coffee Cart, above.

So how about it gang, share your tips on the art and science of cart based hot drink sales in the comments.





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