How to Get Rid of Flies at the Hot Dog Cart

flies at the hot dog cart

It’s that time of year again. The flies are back.

I don’t know about you but the black flies are especially thick right now. I HATE flies.

There is nothing worse than serving up a beautiful, tasty hot dog and having a fly walk across it as you hand it to the customer. AAAARGH!!!

Yes, the customer realizes that we are outdoors and kind of expects stuff like this but still… It makes my blood boil. I want to kill ’em all!

Unfortunately that’s impossible, so the next best thing is to somehow keep them away from your cart. Check this out…

Last summer a Hot Dog Profits Reader told me about a trick that she uses at her cart. She fills a baggie half full of water and adds four or five pennies. Then she hangs two or three of these sparkly contraptions from her umbrella. You can even lay them on horizontal surfaces.

The theory is that the sunlight reflecting off the water and coins “bugs” the crap out of flies due to their multi lens eye system.

I tried it at my own cart and it seemed to work pretty well.

How about you Slinger? What is your solution for controlling flies at the hot dog cart?

Let us know in the comments!


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