Boiled Eraser
Hi Steve, wanted to get your opinion on something, we just opened our cart at Lowes.  How long do you keep the dogs in the water before you dump them and put fresh ones- like if you have a slow point in the day.  Also do you reuse products such as chili, hot dog onions, sauerkraut that is left over or just throw it out and start fresh every day?
Thanks for your help!
Jen and Susan

Top Dawgs


Hey Jen and Susan,

First let me congratulate you on opening your cart at Lowes! How exciting!!! Send me some pictures.

Hot dogs will keep a lot longer in a steamer than they will in hot water. I put my dogs in hot water for about seven minutes then move them to the steamer. Here is the pan set up on my personal E-Z Built cart.

hot dog cart steam pans

If you don’t have a steamer on your cart here is what I suggest. Different brands hold up differently in hot water so do an experiment. Bring your water up to temperature and put four hot dogs in the water. Take the first one out at 15 minutes and try it, try the second at 30 minutes, try the third at 45 minutes, and try the the fourth at one hour. You will definitely be able to tell the point at which the flavor leaves the dog.

Saves flavor. If you hot hold them in a steam table the flavor won’t depart from the dog but the fats in the hot dog will start to turn it dark. The longer you hold them, the darker they get so it’s not really an issue of flavor as much as appearance.

I like to serve the freshest product that I can so I package my condiments in tupperware containers, keep them in the cooler, and refill from them throughout the day. That way I never have a lot of any one condiment to discard at the end of the day.

I hope this helps!


P.S. Let’s hear your comments on the subject my slingers. Chime in below, we’d love to hear what you have to say!


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