Craig Hamm of Hammy’s Dogs on Wheels sent me pictures of his brand new bright orange hot dog cart. You MUST see the graphics on this bad boy – SUPER nice!!! More pictures of this “you can’t miss it” hot dog cart are at the bottom of this article.

Craig writes…


Hey Steve,

Here is my E-Z Built hotdog cart that I built this winter. I will be out selling Nathan’s Hotdogs starting Memorial Day Weekend.

The reason I got into doing the hotdog business is because I liked working in the retail business where I could be around people but I no longer do that anymore so maybe selling dogs will take the place of that.

I have always wanted to have my own business giving some kind of service to the public so what better way in doing so. Currently I have been working in a factory for the past  9 years and people know how dull that can get so maybe selling dogs can boost my confidence and eventually move on to something bigger.

Thanks Steve,

Craig Hamm
Hammy’s Dogs on Wheels


Awesome job Craig! I love the bright orange color. As I always say, the first step in selling a hot dog is getting the customer’s attention. You have succeeded there for sure.

I also totally dig your custom graphics. It makes you look super pro and that’s important in the second step, building customer confidence. Your cart looks like it could be an extension of a local restaurant, it looks that slick and polished. Great presentation and branding!!!

As far as confidence goes, I have a theory on that as well. The trend nowadays is to tell everyone that they are great so that they don’t have to feel bad about anything. The kids run a race and they all get ribbons. There are no A’s and F’s on report cards. Everyone wins.

That does nothing to build confidence. It just fosters a false sense of security that crumbles at the first setback encountered in the real world. It hurts more than it helps.

What really builds confidence is trying, making mistakes, recovering, then succeeding. And going through that process again and again. True confidence comes from proving to yourself that you can bounce back after a setback because you’ve done it many times in the past.

Starting a hot dog cart business is an awesome way to get the confidence you need to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship. The start up costs are low and the profit potential is unlimited. You can start with one cart, work out the bugs, then just add carts and duplicate your already proven processes. It’s a cookie cutter approach to business growth.

I’d say “good luck” Craig, but I can tell from the attention to detail you put into your E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart, that you won’t need it. You look like a guy who makes his own. And when you know how to manufacture your own luck, you’ll have all the confidence you need to succeed wildly – in your own time and on your own terms.

Go kick some tail my friend, I’m super proud of you!


Click on the pictures below for a larger version.


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