I received some comments on Free Shirt Friday questioning the effectiveness of selling t-shirts at your hot dog cart. I’m going to turn the whole idea on it’s head in this article.
I think we’re missing the marketing angle here…
The purpose of having t-shirts for your hot dog biz is not to make money by selling them, and it’s not a phone number distribution system either. We should be using t-shirts not as a profit center, not as an old school advertising play, but as a validation tool.
Consider the following fact. No one wants to be the only one doing something.. Our species knows intuitively that there is safety in numbers. If we perceive that many others are taking part in a particular behavior, we feel that it’s OK for us to try it too. This is basic psychology, it’s been tested and proven, and it has a name. It’s called “social proof”.
We can use t-shirts as part of a social proof strategy. If you see two or three people wearing Hot Dog Johnny t-shirts over the course of a week or two, you get the sense that a lot of people must eat at Hot Dog Johnny. It creates a feeling of familiarity and trust. It makes you curious to try their hot dogs. But most importantly, it makes you feel that it won’t be a risk – everyone eats at Hot Dog Johnny.
Here’s where I depart from the “normal” way of doing things (again…). The way that you distribute your shirts has everything to do with the success of this strategy. Display your shirts prominently at your cart – but don’t offer them for sale.
Here’s what to do instead. Give them away. Use the shirts as prizes in your contests. Offer them as rewards in your incentive programs (think punch cards). And obviously wear one when you’re working the cart. But when someone asks how much they are, tell them that they are not for sale.
If a person can’t buy one, they’ll want one even more. And if they’re lucky enough to get one, they’ll wear it a lot because it’s special. Heck, it’s a prize, an award! It gives them the feeling that they’re part of the inner circle and this usually results in them becoming an evangelist for your brand. Again, all this is basic human psychology. We’re hard wired to behave this way. We can’t help ourselves.
The idea is to create a sense of loyalty and exclusivity among your current customers, and to foster social proof, brand awareness, and strong desire among those who haven’t yet sampled your delicious food. This marketing tactic will ascribe the following attributes to your business… Exclusive. Cool. Exciting. Trusted. Prominent. Trendy.
Make your customers feel like they’re part of your tribe and you’ll keep them forever.
nice idea! out of the box thinking!!:)
I have been working 12-13 hr days, 6 days per week for over 4 years…until today. With the full support and encouragement of my wife, I quit my all-day job in order to pursue dog slinging.
I will be using 10-punch loyalty cards that I designed and printed at Vistaprint. In order to prevent cheaters from punching their cards themselves 10x and turning them in for a free combo meal, I also bought a special shaped hand punch online. The company that made my punch can custom make almost any design, and if I didn’t have to buy in such large numbers, I would have a custom-designed handpunch in the shape of a hot dog cart, complete with umbrella.
I want to have bunches of black t-shirts printed up with my logo and slogan, and website address, in kid sizes and adult sizes from medium to xx-large to give out for free walking advertising. Does anyone know of a source to get these done super inexpensively, and in quantities of less than 50, to start with? Thanks.
It’s a Major award! I won it!…a la Christmas story.
Great idea!! I was thinking of doing a prize that who can eat the most hotdogs in 1 sitting and who ever wins at the end of the week gets a t-shirt do u think that would work??? Or any other ideas
Steve, You left out one thing in your comments, ” Send Steve a T-Shirt”
COOL! I was wondering whether or not to offer T-shirts. I can see why you are such a success story, Steve.
Thanks once again!
I have a lot of “out of the box” in my box, lol!
Thanks Kamal!
The hot dog stand by me has shirts..as you said
their not for sale either..this guy’s slick you can win one by dropping you bizness card in a jar he gots..
And the kicker is he posts the lucky winner for the week on the jar..he don’t call you but you have to
see your name there..which makes you come back just for that..every week that jar is full with biz cards too..so atleast you know you have a customer twice a week this way..smart guy huh.?
Congratulations Daryl! I use a heart shaped punch that I got at Michael’s Crafts. Because everyone LOVES my hot dogs. To your success!!!!
Really cool out of the box thinking Steve. I will for sure use this idea.

You’re on the right track. Customers love contests. Just watch your costs…
Yeah, Michael. Send Steve a shirt! I won’t look as good in it as the best looking hot dog man in Georgia, but I’ll sport it on Free Shirt Friday anyways, 😉
Pink t-shirt, right Robin? By the way, congrats – you are absolutely rocking it in NewOps!
That is a beautiful t-shirt tactic. I absolutely love it. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Hey Jim,
I love the business of business. Good to see a NewOps dude here this morning!
Steve is right on the mark. In marketing, the value of a product (your T-shirt) is the mental value a customer places on it i.e. DON’T GIVE THEM AWAY without attaching some “perceived value” to them. The prize idea is right on. Best of luck.
I am inspired to make t-shirts!
I really like this idea, how about this spin on it. I have a QR code to my carts facebook page. If you scan and freind the QR code, you are entered into a weekly drawing for a free shirt!!
Also if you complete a loyalty card write your name and number on it, place it in a jar on the cart once you have all of your spots punched and a weekly drawing for those as well!!! two ways to win!!
I can print t shirts and have a great Chicago hot dog transfer already made up and ready to go. I can do silk screan in multiple colors, I use regular t’s for me when I sell and my girls wear tank tops, pink, yellow and light blue and they outsell me every day they’re out.
T-shirt design is a lot of fun. Enjoy the process!
Beau – Nice!
Joe – go figure! Huh. 😉
Great topic Steve!!
Glad you like it Bubba! Business is fun. Or at least it should be 😉
Steve, that is a good Idea, but why use a T-shirt? You have too many different sizes and they get in the way of sellling your product?
Why not a one size fits all gimmick, like adjustable ball caps! After all, the Heath Department is going to make you wear a cap or hair restrait. You can put your logo on that!
I love the idea of giving away your t-shirt for the local folks, but my business will also include a lot of 1-time guests on vacation this summer. The tourist want to BUY a t-shirt just because it speaks of their travels. However, I think the locals would be alienated by the tourists buying into it so easily, so, I am on the fence on your idea of not charging.
Have t-shirts for sale for the tourists that has your town name prominently displayed. Then have another shirt for your giveaways that says something like, “Yes, I live here. Proud to be a Kim’s Hot Dogs regular.”
Gregory, hats are a good idea, but not many people wear them, especially women. Everyone wears t-shirts, plus it is a much larger canvas to display your message on.
just to expound on this marketing tid-bit. I do raffles with my merchandise. Enter to win a free hat or t-shirt everytime you order. Start on Monday and Draw on Saturday. the more times you eat at the cart bigger your chance to win “free” stuff.
When I was growing up here in NC there was a guy who had a dump truck business he had ball caps made and gave them out especially to kids. He said giving them to kids was the best advertisement because they were short and people noticed the hat and his logo . I must have worn his hats for 15 years untill he retired
I like it Tim. Great incentive program tied to a great promo. Digin’ it.
“because they were short and people noticed the hat and his logo”. Now that’s taking the term marketing angle literally. 😉
Thanks Greg!
Great read, thanks…
I have a monthly draw for my coveted T..
On the front it has on the left chest my Stands name “And The Wiener Is” hotdog and smokey stand. Home of the terrace long dog. On the back is….. how do you like your Wiener? Steamed Fried or Bbq.Get asked all the time if they are available for sale and my answer is no we sell hotdogs. Tourists are directed to a local gift shop that carries a generic t.that says Terrace BC home of “And The Wiener Is” hot-dog & Smokey stand. EST 2003. It’s great living in a small community.
If you can’t find a local vendor for your T- shirts – I have used Queensboro for embroidered and printed shirts. Great quality and fair pricing. You can buy minimum quantities – sometimes as low as 5 units.
And no.. I don’t get a kick back ! ;-0)
Love all these ideas, i have punch cards for “Buy 5 get one free”, and i wear Law Dawg shirts when I’m working all the time. I do sell my hats, they are camo, and the hunters from outta state love them too.
May have to look into the business card drawing.
Uncle Sam’z Dogz will give it a try .
Just an idea. Join teespring or gearbubble (I think it’s free), design your own T and buy it from yourself. These companies take a bit for the shirt and printing and then the rest is yours. Example: They charge you $5.00. Sell it for six and you get back a buck. Not good at designing? Go to Fiverr dot com and have someone do the design for you.
Great tip. I’ve used TeeSpring and the quality is good. Thanks Doug.
I also do t-shirts ! Once I get my cart back out there I will definitely do something like this !
Right on Tom!