Hi Steve,

I have found some great clearance prices on coolers and wonder if venders who have been doing this a while prefer a certain brand as most efficient.

I am looking at Igloo and Coleman, both have 5-day and 7-day coolers.

Yeti is still a bit pricey for me at this point, and I’m wondering if I can get good results from a less expensive means.



Standard Coolers. I think that Coleman and Igloo are comparable and do a fine job.

Yeti is too expensive for my blood, but I have heard great things about them. K2 Coolers are direct competitors with Yeti and their prices are much lower.

hot dog cart coolers

Click here to comparison shop standard coolers.

12 Volt. Moving up in performance, we have the mechanically refrigerated coolers. They look like coolers but are actually electric refrigerators. Be sure that the unit you choose is capable of holding temperatures of 40 degrees or less. Some units only cool the contents of the cooler a set amount below outside temperature. This is fine if it’s 55 degrees outside, but it won’t keep your food and drinks cold when it gets really hot out.

Here is a 120 can refrigerator/freezer at a decent price. They can ship this to your local Walmart where you can pick it up.\

hot dog cart cooler

120 Volt + Inverter.  Finally, we have the “dorm size” fridges that a lot of my California customers use on their E-Z Built hot dog carts. You can find these used in good condition on Craigslist. You will need a deep cycle battery and a 120V power inverter to run these.

hot dog cart refrigerator

Then there’s this bad boy…

What say you Slingers? What do you use? What would you NOT use?

Share your experiences in the comments. Let’s see who’s cooler is cooler 😉


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