Please don’t let this become law.
I just got an email from HDP reader Mike Saffreti. Mike tipped me off to a new piece of legislation being proposed that will require mobile food vendors to wear hats shaped like the foods that they serve from their carts.
The purpose of this bill is to allow the food buying public to see what is for sale from great distances. Consumer advocates say that customers should not have to walk more than 100 feet in order to find out what foods are offered at each street vending cart.
It’s just one more piece of legislation in an already over-legislated society. I say WE DON’T NEED THIS! In fact, I’M MAD AS HELL!
However from what Mike tells me, this new law is bundled inside a much larger bill whose purpose is to limit the amount of creme filling inside pre-packaged snack foods. It’s being touted as one more tool in the fight against obesity.
Unfortunately that means it’s almost sure to pass – unless we fight back now!
What does this mean to you?
Most of my readers are hot dog slingers and as such we are lucky. There are a couple of companies that already make hot dog shaped hats. If this law does pass, we won’t have a compliance issue.
My real concern is for the shave ice and sno-cone vendors.
There are no sno-cone hats that I am aware of.
In order to comply with the new law these poor souls would be forced to wear actual sno-cones on their heads.
Imagine the brain freeze that these folks will incur!
The bill’s sponsors responded that brain freeze is temporary and does not cause lasting damage. They actually had the gall to tell sno-cone vendors to “just breathe deeply through your mouth during your entire shift.”
The blatant lack of concern for our frosty friends is simply insufferable. It leaves a baaaad taste in my mouth.
What can you do to help?
Slingers, it’s time to stand up not only for our rights, but for the rights of our brothers-in-ice.
I need you to leave a comment at the end of this post telling the bill’s sponsors what you really think about their b___s___ legislation!
You may use a false name when commenting to protect your identity.
Thank you for your support Slinger!
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And this is April 1st I call this the the biggest April fools day joke there is.
Guess I’ll need a walking taco hat!! Hummmm, it’s a thought. Ahhhhh, it must be April 1.
I have never seen a funnel cake hat what about those guys?
April fools! Haha!
I think the public having to walk an extra 100 feet is healthy !!! I have a sign over my cart, that can be read from a block away that says HOT DOGS !!!
Maybe the people making these rules, should get a real job !!!
Happy April fools
Those Jackasses must have Sen Harry Reid as their advisers!!
There are stupid people all over that does not have an adviser.
Since the politicians are so good at handing out the BS and it seems that’s what they are best at vending, I say we draft a counter-legislation requiring them to wear a “meadow muffin” hat or a “cow pie” on their head. And as they require “real” for those hts that people can’t find, it follows that they should wear the real thing.
Happy day Steve;)
Hey Robin, how bout we make them wear an anus hat !!!!!
Har har harrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard. Nine times out of ten you can tell what vendors are selling. Plus no one want to wear a ridiculous looking hat while conducting business. There are plenty of ways to advertise your product without the look of a silly hat. Shirts and signs also work.
April fools. Every year. Fantastic.
Well, since I don’t sell snow cones I’m good with the proposed law. I don’t mind wearing a hot dog hat! I say bring it on!
And happy April Fool’s Day…
April Fools!
Happy April Fools day!
Wearing an “actual” sno-cone hat with ice
in it on a hot summer day may not be
that bad of an idea. But would be another
Bad law…
Already one step ahead of the legislation. My employees all wear the famed dog hat. The last one to work has to wear the one with the chili dripping off the sides.
well this is the way i see it–if the food vendors have to wear hats then all the folks that handle food should wear hats–people who serve food at a buffet should have to wear hats so i can see whats on the buffet line–people who sell drinks need a hat–people who cook food need a hat so i can see what they are cooking–people who butcher pork or beef or chickens ect should have to wear hats so i can see what they are preparing–in other words folks see how dumb this idea is–steve is right if you set back and do nothing then it might pass and then its to late to do anything–wake up–we all have enough to do without wearing a hat to please some official that is too lazy to walk through the area where you are slinging food so they can select the kind of food they want to buy–seems like to me they know what a hot dog cart is and besides that most slingers have the words what they sell on their carts–example billy boys dogs–if i may be blunt slingers get your ass in gear and stop this before its too late..steve if you can’t publish this on your list i understand BUT something needs to be done about this before it passes–wake up if this passes then its too late to complain–thank you for keeping us posted about things like this.–signed–Ray.
Happy April Fools’ Day to you too..
I always get a kick out of your April Fool’s jokes. Have a great day!
I don’t know about a shaved ice matey. Maybe just shave yer head !! Arrrrr !!
Fer me to give up wearin me sailor hat would be an act of piracy.
We should all sail to Washington & scrape the barnicals off the butts of these bilge rats!!!
Should be pretty painful… Arrrrr har har harrrrr . I’ll bet the hat lobby is behind it !!
1St Mate Jim.
Happy April fools day, Steve!
The people that are in Washington, have forgotten the history of this great country.
FREEDOM! We fought for our Independence and to get away from people that made laws that did more harm than good.
These politicians have forgotten why they are in office. They are there to support the people of the USA, not to destroy it.
I love deer fries ‘cuz they’re always under a buck.
Yuk yuk yuk !!!!
I can see legislators wanted us to do that after all they pretend to be something else they’re not all the time, so it be just like Halloween for them 365 days. Just imagine what the some of the hats would look like. Wewould lose a lot of our God fearing customers.
In the laundry bill would be so excessive my chili dog hat would just make a mess.
Guess I better explain for some of you Goobers with your serious political rants about why this law was enacted. I’m talking about Rockey Mountain Oysters.
Well, I don’t know whether to believe you or not. It is April Fool’s Day, however, considering this is legislation, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is true either! How terrible is that!? How about this, if this passes, what should we make our Legislators and Senators wear? Dunce hats? How about Jester hats?
So let me get this right……new legislation is concerned about “obesity” but also concerned that someone may “have to walk more than 100 feet to eat”. Hmmmm You Dadgum legislators just keep getting more intuitive as time goes by (sarcasim). No thanks hot shot, ill take a write up if it goes thru. Heres an idea, during your campaigning for election, some of you should where an old school robber’s mask (black mask that covers the eyes). I shouldn’t have to watch debates so long before I find out which of you intend to rob me of my rights
Have a great day!
Love it Steve!
You’ve sucked me in so many times that I was prepared for this one.
Hmmmmmmmmmm! hats – good
… politcians – bad 
Thanks Steve now you put an idea out there
And next month the hat police show up.
I sure hope politicians don’t see this or were in
Trouble nice one .
This is what it’s come to, isn’t it?
Just another example of what has been going on in our government for the past 20 to 30 years of catering to the PACs and special interest lobbying groups. Maybe the hot dog vendors should unite and send every politically “correct” legislator a free hot dog with all the trimmings. They like “FREE” and hot dogs. Perhaps we could sway them to understand our concerns. Otherwise we might become “out sourced” and have to buy our hot dogs from “China” or any number of developing countries. Put a hot dog in their mouths to shut them up.
I’m practicing as I type wearing a 32 oz cup of Lemon ShakeUp on my head in my Lazy Boy.
Isn’t the big,colorful,labeled umbrella enough?? This bill doesn’t make any sense, why not just require larger signs?
April Fools? Got me Dadgumit! LOL
Today is my Birthday slingers!!.No April’s joke. 4/1/1967
Happy Happy Happy!
Can you imagine what a “Rib Hat” would look like? hahahaha!!
I also herd they are going to require Doctors to do the same. Now imagine being a Proctologist or Obgyn…..I rest my case
All politicians should have to wear the procto-hat.
They already have one, it’s called a mouth !!!
Had me goin’…not ! But let’s just say it passed. What would congress have to wear on their heads. OOPS…I’d better watch it I’m having some immoral thoughts here…lol
Happy April Fool’s Day to all you slingers out there !
I hope it passes
Please don’t give Nancy Pelosi any more ideas! We’ll have to wear the Bill (or the “HAT”) before we can see what’s in it.
Maybe politicians should wear “Horses’ Ass Hats”, because that is “Truth in Advertising”.
Fair winds
Aye matey. That be true fer sure !!!
Brian, this is VERY close to my heart. I work in Oatman, Arizona, a town famous for it’s wild burros walking around on the street. Taking your idea a bit, wouldn’t it be terrible if we HAD to wear “burro hats?” When ever we see a tourist looking at the burro ‘droppings,’ we always tell them they are “Free Oatman Souvenirs” and they can take home all of it they want.
The Weenie Bros. will sell the hats too! Good one Steve.