Hi Steve,

We just started a concession stand two weeks ago. Have been making chilli dogs, hot dogs and meatball subs.

Our main problem has been the buns. Can anyone tell me a good sub bun?

We tried a hoagie bun for the meatball subs but they seem dry and hard, even after being in the steamer. They tend to break apart and don’t separate well for the meatballs.

We also have been trying to figure out how to keep the hot dog and sub buns until the next week. We have tried freezing them but they don’t seem very fresh when thawed out.

Any suggestions?

Thank you,



Hi Brenda,

I use Rosens buns for my dogs. They keep very well frozen, but MUST be steamed in order to taste their best.

How about it slingers? Are you serving bigger bun type foods? If so what bun do you like and how do you handle them on your cart?

Let us know in the comments!
