Hot Dog Cart Refrigerators

This is Paul Chapman's cart that he built using the E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart Video and Plans Package. He modified it to include a fridge. Nice job Chappy! Hi Steve! I am looking for some input on a battery operated and also a propane operated Cooler/frig freezer. Would like comments, recommendations on [...]

Living the Hot Dog Cart Dream.

Hey Steve we got that  Oklahoma City gig done - wow . There was a lot of of people out there. I only had time to take one picture but we did have fun slinging dogs. I just wanted to thank you again for helping me land this gig. Mark really took care of my [...]

Still need hot dog slingers for $100/hr June events.

Still looking for several hot dog vendors for these gigs... Who wants $600 for six hours of fun (I mean work)? I need several Hot Dog Cart vendors to work two day gigs. You will give away 600 to 700 Hot Dogs each day, ketchup and mustard ONLY. The promoter will reimburse you up front for [...]

Thank You. Today We Remember.

I know that many of you reading this are veterans. I also know that many of you have loved ones who served. I'll bet all of us have a relative or family friend, whether close or distant, who was lost in the service of the greatest country on earth - The United States of America. [...]

Hot Dog Slingers $100 per hour June Gigs

Who wants $600 for six hours of fun (I mean work)? I need several Hot Dog Cart vendors to work two day gigs. You will give away 600 to 700 Hot Dogs each day, ketchup and mustard ONLY. The promoter will reimburse you up front for all product costs and pay you $600 for your time. [...]

Still waiting to start a hot dog cart? Read this…

No more excuses. We can help make your hot dog dream a reality a lot faster, easier, and cheaper than you ever thought possible. Want to know what the slinger life is like for our graduates? Just listen to what member Chris O'Brien has to say... ++++++++++++++ Hi Steve, Just a quick note, I've [...]

Hot Dogs on a Boat!

Ahoy me Slingers! Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. Millions of Americans will be heading for the rivers, lakes, and oceans for some fun in the sun. All that swimming, boating, kayaking, canoeing, and just plain horsing around is enough to make a person seriously hungry. But restaurants are pretty much [...]

Gig Post – Slingin’ Hot Dogs Above the Tree Tops

Hey Slingers, I just got a very unique gig post. How would you like to sling dogs for a few weekends in one of natures treasures? Starved Rock Lodge and Conference Center is a beautiful old stone lodge in one of the prettiest state parks in the nation. I know because I've been there many times. [...]

Product Review: Greenies Weenies – Green Hot Dogs?

Get a free pack - special offer below. When I first saw these things I was disgusted. Who on earth would buy a green hot dog? What a dumb idea. Except for St. Patrick's Day, I can't imagine anyone wanting to eat a green hot dog. Isn't that the color of the hot dogs on [...]