Cloudy With a Chance of Hot Dogs

Be sure to read my commentary at the end of the article. -Steve By Andrew Z. Galarneau NEWS FOOD WRITER Updated: October 21, 2009, 8:18 AM / On a sunny summer afternoon, while shoppers and office workers on break crowd M&T Plaza in downtown Buffalo, selling hot dogs for a living looks like a pretty sweet gig. Don’t be surprised, though, if Tim McMahon looks to […]

A Big E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart – And a Great Plan.

Here’s another example of what can be done with the E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart Plans and Video package. What a machine!!! Chris Booker stretched the body and set it on a 4 X 8 trailer frame where he had plenty of room to mount all the equipment he wanted. Check out the mods: […]

Hot Dog Cart Condiment Tray – Sale!

I sell a pretty nice hot dog condiment tray over at (in the accessories section), but it's kind of pricey. $43.87 to be exact. Here's a great alternative... HDCN reader Steven Pruner just alerted me to this condiment tray for $17.00 - WOW! If you need one, or think you might need one down [...]

Operation Weenie Freeze: Winter Dog Slingin’ Tips

It’s coming – the season of higher profits and lower temperatures. When folks ask me if they should stay open during the winter months I always say. “Sure – if you like cold weather.” You can usually make as much if not more money in the winter as you can in the summer. As a matter of fact, you will probably sell more in November than you did in August because hot food just plain sells better when it’s cold out. Your competitors may pack it in for the winter, but the customers still need to […]

Big Discounts 4 U EZ Builders

Just got these alerts from HDCN readers: Hi Steve; thought this might be worthy of posting on newsletter or other type of member notification. November 2009 issues of Popular Science & Popular Mechanics have Harbor freight 20% off single use in store only coupons with expiration date of […]

Hot Dog Cart Dream Becomes Reality

The following article appeared in a recent issue of the Tennessean. Hope you enjoy it.  -Steve By Dessislava Yankova When a Sumner resident arrived at a friend’s house for their first date, she saw two tables covered with food. “I asked, ‘How many people are coming?’ and he said, ‘Just you,’” Jennifer Shofner recalls. “We had four meats. There was enough food for 20 people.” It turned out that Shofner’s date and now-husband Jesse has a passion for food and cooking that after years of practice recently materialized into a hotdog […]

VIDEO LESSON: Chicago Style Hot Dog (No Gloves Method)

Chicago Style Hot Dog.  What's the big deal?  I've been getting a few emails lately asking me what exactly is a Chicago style hot dog and why is it so special. What's the big deal, anyways? (In Chicago we don't say "anyway". We say "anyways?" like it's a question. FYI) You'll find the video at the [...]

Help me get this hot dog guy!

  There is a growing trend in the hot dog cart business toward high end organic and vegetarian hot dogs and sausages. Sure, they cost a little more but they command a much higher sales price, as well as setting you apart from the competition. Two examples that I can think of are Rad Dogs and Let’s be Frank.  They are both premium hot dog street vendors that have grown into […]

Video: St. Louis’ Best Hot Dog of 2009

I’ve seen the Frank’s N Brats stand outside Busch Stadium when I go see the Cards play, but I’ve never stopped. Something I need to do, especially now that they are the best in town! I ran across the following story in the Riverfront Times, a St. Louis news blog. There’s a great marketing hook in there that could make you huge money, so pay attention… […]