Dad’s Dogs on

HCDN reader Marc Freund is the owner of Dad's Dogs in Ann Arbor, MI. He just got mentioned on food review site Looks like folks are enjoying his hot dogs (and his personality - an important ingredient). That's very cool! Stories of successful HDCN hot doggers are coming out of the woodwork! Very exciting [...]

Hot Dog Roller Grills

UPDATE: ALL SOLD Got an email from a man named José Luis Prado in Juarez, Mexico. He has 45 of these hot dog roller grills for sale. I don't know anything about the man or these grills so do your due diligence. I have no financial interest in this deal whatsoever, I just thought it [...]

Hot Dogs by Gigi to Open in Pennsylvania

HDCN reader Stephen Palumbo wrote to let me know that he is starting Hot Dogs by Gigi this spring. Here's his announcement and some pics... Hi All, These are the first pictures of our new Hot Dog cart! Hot Dogs by GIGI should be operational by early March and a test run is scheduled for [...]

TNT Dogs

From The Lost Article Series Here's an item from last summer that I recovered from my hard drive crash... Steve, Yesterday was my first day out with my Hot Dog Cart and I was amazed at the turnout. Sold about 120 dogs and 50 polish. My Mother In Law sent an E-mail to the local [...]

Yacht Builder Discoveres The Hot Dog Biz

  The difference between a $30 million yacht and a $3 hot dog isn't a big deal. At least that's what David Ross, former president of Burger Boat Co., hopes in his new career as a hot dog restaurant owner in Manitowoc. Introducing Dr. Dawg. It's the latest venture for the entrepreneur widely credited for [...]

Catch a Wave – Street Food is Red Hot!

Hey Everybody, There's a lot to be said for hard work. Keeping your nose to the grindstone. Knuckling down. Git 'er done. But there's even more to be said for harnessing existing momentum. If you can get in front of a moving, swelling, powerful force it will take you where you want to go faster [...]

Audio: $150K Per Year Hot Dog Cart Business

I got an email from a woman named Rose asking me if I would list her hot dog business for sale. I said "Sure, glad to help". After I heard her story I was dying to share it with you, so I got her on the phone and recorded our conversation. It turned out to [...]

6 Ways to Make More Money With Your Hot Dog Cart

Do You Have The Courage to Make More Money With Your Hot Dog Cart? Price isn't the only way to deliver value in your hot dog cart business. As a matter of fact it's the very worst way. It's normal to be nervous during the start up phase, but it leaves you susceptible to self [...]

Chad Ginther’s Hot Dog Cart Business

I got word of this a little late - like 6 months. Sorry Chad! Better late than never, right? CEDAR RAPIDS – A hot dog stand opened today at the corner of Third Avenue and Second Street SE. Chad Ginther, 37, of Cedar Rapids, will be serving hot dogs, brats and cheesesteak sandwiches at Bigg [...]