Win A Dog Sled – It’s Contest Time!

UPDATE: 11 AM - You can make multiple comments in this contest. No need to stop at one! I loves me a good contest! Something different this time. Here is your mission: I want you to go to a video of mine over at YouTube, rate it, and add a comment. You can say something [...]

Cool New Brandable Napkin Dispenser is Surprisingly Inexpensive!

Hey Steve, Just thought I would share a napkin holder that I came across at local gas station/convenience store. It is a single use holder and has slots on the front or back where you can insert your own card stock for advertising. I found that it works extremely well. It is made my Tork [...]

Sloppy Dogs Recipe

Ever wonder what to do with those leftover dogs? HDCN reader Jim Southard forwarded this Rachael Ray recipe that, if your health department approves it,  may be a tasty solution as well as an alternative product offering. Hi Steve: I came across this recipe while watching the Rachael ray show. Some of the "Doggers" on [...]

Chili Setup – Part 2

I just got some pics from HDCN reader Dave. If you have the space and do enough volume, this might be just the ticket. Check it out: Hey Steve, Regarding Renee's chili dilemma, have a look at the pictures attached. Though your answer, and "dogger" comments shed light, as they say, a picture is worth [...]

Hot Dog Cart Q and A: Chili Pan Setup

Today's Hot Dog Cart Q and A is from Renee Crenshaw. Renee writes: Q: Hi Steve, I got a lot of good info out of the propane/electric thing.  I have a question that I'd like to ask also - it's something that's bugged me since I first got started last summer.  How does everyone keep [...]

HDCN Reader Mark O’Hare on TV!

How Freakin' Cool is This?  One Of Our Own on ABC News! Steve, I was on television a couple of hours ago and I put in a plug for you. I did not get to say everything that I wanted to during the interview but at least I was able to mention you. You have [...]

“Weiner King Hot Dogs” Is Up and Running!

I got an email from Sam and Kelly Jo Rose. They purchased my "Hot Dog Biz 101" course last fall and used what they learned to start their new hot dog cart business from scratch. Hi Steve, It's hard to believe that Wiener King started on 10-17-09 and that is has come so far already. [...]

Propane vs Electric Hot Dog Carts

Today's "Hot Dog Cart News Q and A": Propane or electric? HDCN reader Rick S. emailed to tell me about a cart he is purchasing. It's a large cart with caster wheels, kind of a mall kiosk type unit. The cart is semi-stripped and Rick will be outfitting it with steam tables and other equipment. [...]

A Bathroom Discussion…

A most excellent question via email... Steve, I have a couple questions, please! As a newbie...Have you ever done a survey to determine what your readers do about going to the restroom while working their carts? Do they leave their cart?  Who watches it while they are gone?  Have they ever had any problems when [...]