Ray Just Finished His E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart. Check Out The Pics!

Nice, Ray! More pics at the end of the article... Hi Steve, I recently finished my EZ Built Cart, and am excited about starting in the Hot Dog business when the Michigan winter breaks. Compared to some of the carts I've seen on Hot Dog Profits, mine is pretty basic,  but I had a great [...]

After 3 Dogs, Dave Finds A Winner – Lunch Under The Umbrella

We hot dog cart owners many advantages over brick and mortar restaurants. Lower overhead is usually the first thing that comes to mind, but I contend there are two far greater. They're round. They're black. They're our WHEELS. I don't know about you, but one of the biggest things that drew me to the hot [...]

A Town With No Hot Dog Carts

There is a small town in the southwest about 70 miles from a major city. Almost everyone in the town has been to the big city at one time or another and sampled the hot dogs from the many carts there. The people developed a taste for hot dogs. But there were no hot dog carts in their small town, and 70 miles is too far to drive for lunch. Then one day a local guy recognizes the opportunity, buys a beat up old used cart, and starts slingin’ dogs at the local courthouse square. He has the only […]

Want To Achieve Your Hot Dog Cart Dreams? Get Chunky!

Hey Doggers, What is the secret to reaching your goal of hot dog slingership sooner rather than later? You must set goals. No goals = no direction. No one ever wanders aimlessly into a major success. However, the biggest mistake most folks make when setting goals is making them too general, for example: "I want [...]

Spy Photo Reveals Santa’s Hot Dog Cart

The Big Man is a slinger. You kind of always knew that, didn't you? Don't tell the kiddies... See you next year! -Steve  

How Can We Help You In 2011? Take Our Year End Survey!

Here at Hot Dog Profits we are busy reflecting on the past year and thinking ahead to all the great things we have in store for you in 2011. Please help us serve you better by taking our nine question survey. Let us know how we did in 2010 and tell us what you want [...]

America’s Youngest Hot Dog Cart Business Owner

I just got an email from a customer in Virginia telling me about his business. Imagine my surprise when I found out he is ten years old! His name is Parker and he writes: Dear Mr. Steve Schaible, About two years ago I had purchased your how to videos. With my dad’s help I wanted to build a cart as a way to pay for college. Since then we have had to relocate from Florida to Virgina and it is quite cold here too. I watched and watched the videos while saving all my money, so that I could begin purchasing the parts and we could begin building my hot dog cart. Something happened along the way as I had recently saved up $500.00 and my dad […]

Wieners on Water. This Video Will Warm You Up!

It’s cold here at HotDogProfits.com headquarters so I thought I’d remind you of warmer days with a video sent in by HDCN reader Jim. So turn up the heat, put on your swim suit, stick your feet in a bucket of sand, and watch this: Hey Steve, Here is a short video on about my business, Wieners on Water, 25 years & going strong. Even seasonal hot dogging can be very rewarding. I must agree with you that it’s not just about […]

Any Mac Users Out There?

Short and sweet today. I need to know how many of you are using Macs. Dan, my genius software developer (and a really good dude), asked if we should maybe think about building a Mac version of the Cash Tracker Hot Dog Cart Bookkeeping Software that we currently offer. Just let us know in the [...]