Do You Suffer From Clumpy Onion Syndrome?

Steve, Every time we put onions on a dog, they land in a big clump, we then have to spread them out (which leaves other toppings "tainting" the spoon). We use fresh chopped onions and a plastic spoon. How can we get them to shake off better and not clump?  I know this is an [...]

Our Hot Dog Cart Heritage in Photos

Hot Dog Cart News reader Jeff Williams sent me these pictures of street food vendors from the early 1940's. I think they are fascinating. Thanks Jeff - you are awesome! A portable soft drink and frankfurter stand in New York City on October 1, 1942 As an entrepreneur, I have been involved in many other [...]

Contest – Help David Name His Business

I was on the phone the other day with David Jones from Texas. He wanted help naming his business and I agreed to tap the vast collective genius of the HDCN readership. David is planning on doing a lot of church function gigs with his cart such as catering the men's ministries events. He is [...]

Hot Dog Profits Success Story – Freedom Franks!

One of the best hot dog cart paint job I've ever seen - I absolutely love it! Joyce Frederick wrote in to tell me about her hot doggin' success story, but what grabbed me was the paint scheme on her cart. You MUST check out the pictures below! The wraparound shelf is nothing short of [...]

Tips From Tim – Get Grillled Gig Getters

The following is a guest post by Tim Van Dusen of Get Grilled Foods... You have your cart built or bought, the health department has checked it out, and now you are ready to go. You have a colorful cart. It attracts attention. Your sidewalk signs are ready. But deciding where to sling dogs can [...]

Winner, Winner, Chips for Dinner!

Tommy  Dogs! "I have a sign that says free chips tomorrow. They all come back and ask where’s my free chips the next day. I ask them to please read the sign again slowly. The smile breaks out!!! And there dog is ready with the coke and chips. I got my $5.00 and a smile…" [...]

Hot Dog Carts, Potato Chips, and a Contest 4 U!

Michael Ricchetti writes... Steve - question: Having a hard time finding large enough potato chip bags to sell for a dollar each, all 1.5 oz size, don’t think people will buy. What do you say? Thanks, Mike in Ohio ********************* Hey Mike, I sell the 1.5 oz size for a buck on my cart.  I [...]

Hot Dog Cart Success Story: Dale Deals Dogs by Day, Cards by Night.

HCDN Reader Dale Schroeder Makes The News. Dale let me know about a local news paper story that featured him and his hot dog cart business, "Lucky Dawg Hot Dogs". Dale writes... Steve, We had a newspaper article done about us last year. It is great publicity. Check it out! Dale ****************************** Hot Dogger Dale [...]

Original 1920’s (Haunted?) Hot Dog Trailer

HDCN reader (and fellow classic trailer geek) Roger Vandevert sent me a link that sparked my imagination. Now my entrepreneurial ADD has kicked in and I've started obsessing about another new hot dog vending idea. Damn you Roger! He writes... Steve, Check this is an idea I think you propably have entertained as have [...]