Hot Dog Cart Trailer Light Fix

E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart builder Rod Walton told me about his trailer light tribulations and how he fixed the problem once and for all. Rod writes... ********************* Hi Steve, I received my plans last week and couldn't be more pleased. The instructions are very clear and easy to follow. I purchased the trailer kit [...]

Wanda Swan – You’re a Winner!

Last week we ran a contest to find the solution to Steve Tornello's insufficient gas pressure dilemma. (You can read his request for help here.) Steve just got back to me with the solution... *************************** Steve, Thanks for sending out the query. . . . All suggestions were excellent.  I started with the least expensive [...]

Used Stand In Cart For Sale – Great Deal!

One of the services I offer here at Hot Dog Profits is a free used hot dog carts classified section. Larry Perrone took advantage of this service a few weeks ago and posted a really nice stand-in hot dog cart for sale. Larry just told me that he really needs to move this cart and [...]

This is a Head Scratcher…

OK slingers, I need your help. I just got a call from HDCN reader Steve Tornello who is putting together his E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart. He has the steam table installed and he added a flat top griddle, so he has a total of four burners. Here's the problem. He says that when all [...]

Celebrity Sighting at Jack’s Hot Dog Cart

HDCN. Better than People Magazine... Every so often I get a report of a major celebrity eating at one of our reader's hot dog carts. I'm usually pretty skeptical, but this time we have a photo (see it below). Jack Mainwaring is one of the most honest, credible slingers I know so if he says [...]

Holy Smokes – Jack’s MEGA E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart

I honestly don't know how this one slipped by me... I get so much email from HDCN readers that I can't possibly publish it all so I put a lot of it in a folder to look at later. That folder has gotten pretty fat. Today I was looking through it and read the following [...]

Dave’s Cool Condiment Set Up

Hey Steve, The last time we spoke, I mentioned what I do for condiments. Have a look at the pic's attached. Essentially, it's a stainless steel tub that measure's 21" x 13" by 6" deep. I place three hard plastic vessels inside that measure 6" x 5" by 6" deep (complete with lid's), then surround [...]

Foil Wrapped Hot Dogs – Yes or No?

Thank You Vets! Sorry this is a day late. Been working on something really big. Some of you know what I'm talking about. Shhh... Steve,  I live in Wisconsin and our winters here can be brutal both with cold and snow. I would like to continue selling dogs through winter and just wondering if any [...]

Tips From Tim – How I Saved My Hot Dog Business

The following is a guest post by Tim Van Dusen of Get Grilled Foods… Well the weather outside is frightful. Business expansion is delightful! For those of us that are in cold weather states, we have a choice in the winter. We can try and brave the cold or we can shut down for the [...]