Contests and How To Compete With Big J and the Butts.

Hi Steve, I would like to do a hot dog eating contest at my hot dog stand. I remember seeing something on one of your emails of someone doing this and his pointers. It was a year ago and I cannot find it – which surprises me since I save all your emails. Anyway –can [...]

Steve’s Stretched E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart Pics

Streeeeeeetch it out if you want to... This just in - another E-Z Built hits the streets! Be sure to check out the photos below... ******************** Well Steve, it's been a pretty good while since I contacted you for anything.  I have finally finished my cart after 10 months, which was due to money and [...]

“You Can’t Sell Hot Dogs for Six Weeks.”

My friend Paul a.k.a. "Chappy" in California What would you do if your doctor told you that you couldn't sling hot dogs for 6 weeks? That is the dilemma facing HDCN reader Paul "Chappy" Chapman. Like so many of you, Paul started out as a customer and turned into a good friend of [...]

Why Selling Hot Dogs is So Satisfying

I got an email from HDP Premium Member Bruce Zich over the weekend. He just got a wonderful unsolicited testimonial from one of his customers. Awesome Bruce!!! When this happens to you for the first time you'll be dancing on the clouds. It's such a wonderful feeling to know that someone thinks so highly of [...]

How to Sell A Hot Dog Business

Steve, I wondered if you could tell me how we would sell our business that we have had for 6 years and is doing very well. I have 2 very interested people and not sure how to set my price. We have events that we do every year and every Thursday for 11 weeks in [...]

Hot Dog Cart Friendly States

Sometimes it's fun to open a can of worms. I hope this is one of those times ;-) ******************************** Hey Steve, I plan to relocate somewhere warmer in the winter season and sling dogs and return in spring to the Chicago area. Maybe you or my fellow slingers could give me advice on cart friendly [...]

Now THIS is a Turkey Dog!

Plus a gig post for my Pennsylvania hot dog slingers... Happy Thanksgiving to all my slinger friends. I'm so very thankful for your friendship and support over the years. It's something that I don't take lightly. I'm always humbled by the number of folks who come to to learn and share. I'm always amazed by [...]

Wrapping the Dogs

Here's a great question about how to keep your hot dogs hot when it's cold outside... ******************** Hey Steve would you ask your hot doggers a question for me? I would like to know what is the best way to wrap up your dogs you serve. I have seen a foil like paper and a [...]

How to Get Private Party Hot Dog Cart Gigs

Derek Falk of Hawaiian Hot Dog Co writes, Steve, could you tell us how to market our cart services for special events. I'd like to work more of these types of events. ************************ Hey Derek, Before we get started I want to let you know that we were absolutely deluged with positive comments about your [...]