Hot Dog Cart Business for Sale

Hi Steve, I need some help with something. My wife and partner, has just been diagnosed with renal / bone cancer and will no longer be able to assist with our business. At my age “70” I guess it’s time to call it quits. I would like to sell my equipment in one lump package. [...]

Introducing The New Weenie Sleeve

Dale’s Lucky Dawg Hot Dogs in Reno (Audio Interview)

It's Hot Dog Cart Radio Time! Grow your business with this info-packed interview featuring Dale Schroeder and Lucky Dawgs! Dale has gone from working full time as a craps dealer in a casino to being a professional hot dog vendor, exceeding his old income and gaining his freedom in the process. Today you'll hear how [...]

Exemption of Military Personnel From Hot Dog Cart License Fees member Dave King is one of those slingers who I hold in the highest regard. Dave was a victim of military budget cutbacks and found himself involuntarily "retired" from the Army. With his income suddenly decimated and a family to feed, he had to act fast. Dave got the E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart [...]

Hot Dog Vendors Needed For April Gigs

Gig #1. Hot dog slinger needed in Michigan. Must have your own licensed and inspected cart. Three hours on Friday April 12, and three hours on Saturday April 13th. Gig #2. Cincinnati on 4/26. Need a hot dog cart to rent for the week so it can be outfitted with graphics, used, graphics removed, and [...]

Dale’s Lucky Dawg Hot Dog Cart Video

Enjoy the hot dog cart video and pictures at the end of this article. Hot Dog Profits Premium Member Dale Schroeder of Reno Nevada just built his second E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart and will soon be building a third to add to his fleet! You're going to love the pictures and video cart tour [...]

Funeral Home Hot Dogs?!!!

Hi Steve, I saw this ad in the "Pennysaver". This is thinking outside the box and it's on a Friday! I'm going over there and check it out. Goes to show, you can't discount ANY business as a potential gig. -Richard Strawder, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member   ********************* Ha! That's wild Richard, let me [...]

How Happy Jacks Hot Dogs Grew to 3 Carts! (Audio Interview)

I've got another "Hot Dog Cart Radio" interview for you with a successful slinger who's sharing his secrets. "Happy" Jack Meeks grew his Indiana hot dog biz from zero to three carts and today you're going to hear how he did it (audio interview link and photos below). Here's the email that piqued my interest [...]

Hot Dog Cart Mission Statement

Do you know what your mission is? Kevin does... Kevin writes... ************************** Hey Steve, Maybe you covered this already but I wanted to share a story. My cart has a menu that really looks more like a restaurant than a hot dog cart. It's in a frame and hangs so that it's easy to read. [...]