Hot Dog Cart Accounting

Is the thought of keeping the books for your hot dog cart giving you bad dreams? No more worries my friend. Hi Steve, I am in process of building a hot dog tycoon business and have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to do my bookkeeping. I’m so glad I came [...]

How to Get Hot Dog Cart Locations and Commissaries for Free

Getting the agreement. For free. Hey Slingers, both current and future! Of all the emails that I get, two questions seem to come up the most. 1. How do I get a commissary? 2. How do I get a location? Over the years I bet I have sent out the following answer to [...]

Breakfast at the Hot Dog Cart?

Hot Dog Cart Breakfast? Hey Hot Dog Profits Slingers, I'm looking for suggestions on serving a yummy hot dog breakfast. Here are the hot dog items I have so far; hot dogs, all beef please, sausage links or patties, shredded cheese, bacon, onions, hash browns, coffee, orange juice , scrambled eggs. I need suggestions on [...]

Is Steaming Hot Dog Buns Really Necessary?

To steam or not to steam? That is the question! There are a million different ways to prepare a hot dog on a hot dog cart but there is one thing that divides us slingers into two camps. Do we steam the buns or not? Some say that steaming the buns is completely unnecessary. Others [...]

How Hot Dog Carts Can Compete With Brick and Mortar Restaurants

This just in from Hot Dog Profits Premium member James Nitz, a.k.a. "Jimbalaya"... Hi Steve, Something I thought I would pass along... A recent study in the Journal of Marketing Research found that when a business has a large, dominant competitor, it benefits from highlighting that fact in its marketing. People are more inclined to [...]

You Can’t Sell a Hot Dog if No One Knows You Exist

Hey Slingers, I have some questions for those of you who are up and running. The answers will benefit all of us, including those who have yet to get started. How are you promoting yourself? What are you doing to make sure that the people in your community know you exist? How do you make [...]

629 Free Hot Dog Cart Business Articles

Thanks so much to all of you who answered my impromptu survey last week. I didn't post the answers publicly but rest assured that I read each and every one. Lots of good suggestions. One that popped up more than once was, "How can I find more info on a specific subject?" Ask and you [...]

How to Keep Your Drinks Cool at the Hot Dog Cart

The following is a guest post by "Happy" Jack Meeks. Great info. If you want to hear more from Happy Jack and how he grew his hot dog biz to three carts, you can listen to the interview I did with him for Hot Dog Cart Radio by clicking here. "Happy" Jack Meeks [...]

2 Videos – Weiners on Water Hot Dog Boat Meets Lakeside Lunch

One of the best parts of being involved in the hot dog vending business is the opportunity to make new friends in the process. Long time readers will be familiar with two characters who comment here regularly, Robin "Dixie" Delancy who own the Lakeside Lunch hot dog cart, and "First Mate Jim" from the hot [...]