Merry Christmas Slingers!

Dear Slinger, I'd like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Hot Dog Profits. I hope you had a great year, and may your 2015 be even better! Blessings, -Steve

Don’t Sell a Hot Dog. Sell an Experience.

If you want to be able to charge higher prices for your hot dogs, you must sell the customer an entire experience, not just food. Here is a guy who absolutely nails it. Even though he sells ice cream, we can all learn from this master showman. -Steve Post by Ismael Cala.

T’was the Night Before Christmas – Slinger Style

This has been passed around for years now but it was originally written for us at by Chef J. Gagion, (a.k.a. Pocono Hot Dog). Merry Christmas slingers - Enjoy! “Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the streets, were carts upon carts, selling Country smoked meats, I stopped in Chicago to sample their [...]

Dan’s California Hot Dog Cart

Premium Member Dan Bradley built an all metal E-Z Built (see pics below) and is slingin' dogs in sunny California. He writes... ***************************** Steve, I just wanted to send you a few photos of my cart. It was built by a friend and myself and passed the strict Kern County California with a 100 % [...]

Stand In Hot Dog Cart

Now that the weather is getting cooler I've been receiving a lot of questions about stand in hot dog carts. It seems that those who have regular hot dog carts all aspire to a stand in cart. They believe that a stand in is something to "graduate" to. However, those who have stand in carts [...]

What are your Hot Dog Cart plans for the new year?

Thanksgiving is gone. Christmas is around the corner followed closely by New Years Eve. I was wondering what your plans are for the coming year? Do you want to get into the hot dog biz for the first time? Are you planning on growing an existing slingership (I just made that up, like it? LOL) [...]

How to Equip a Custom Dream Cart for Big Events.

Steve, I just finished your book Carts of Cash (Hot Dog Biz 101) it is great thank you. I'm thinking about building a cart just to do events, something bigger than what we're allowed on the street. Here's my question - can you or any of the slingers make any suggestions as to what I [...]

Happy Thanksgiving Slingers!

My wish for you and yours is that you may have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I will be spending it with some of my family that I haven't seen much of for several years. Very thankful for that. I'm also very thankful for YOU dear slinger, (whether past, current, or future) for hanging out at [...]

Who Needs More Customers at Their Hot Dog Cart?

If you ask a hot dog cart business owner if they have enough customers, 99 percent will say no. And 1 percent will be lying. "To succeed you must sell hot dogs to a lot of people. The good news is that there are a lot of people." What if I told you [...]