Hot Dog Cart Delivery Tips

Hey Steve, I need some help. I'm offering delivery because of the large medical complex near to my cart. This is my target market. The majority of these workers don't leave for lunch. Is there any preferred way to keep the dogs hot when the customer gets them delivered? I'm keeping my delivery circle to [...]

Name that Hot Dog Cart!

Hi Steve and everyone, I need some help on a name. Ive got a few jotted down but, maybe I can get some other ideas. My name is Derek I live in Dallas, Texas I have a Basset Hound named Woody Thank you. ************************* Let's help Derek name his new business. Leave your suggestions in [...]

How to Do Hamburgers on a Hot Dog Cart

Hey Slinger, I just heard from one of my  Premium Members who wanted to know how to do hamburgers on his hot dog cart. As always, the first thing you need to do is to check with your health department to see if your local codes allow it. You may need to upgrade some of [...]

Casey the Stilt Walking Hot Dog Slinger!

Steve, Attached are some pictures. The second one is the first hot dog I served at my Grandson's 1st birthday party! Hot off the press, again. A festival wants me to vend for two days (Friday 5-10) and (Saturday 1-9). Booth cost $100. But they also want to hire me to entertain for 2 hours [...]

Hot Dog Business Website TOTALLY done for you. $50 American Dollars. You do nothing.

Hey Slinger, As you know we have built hundreds of websites for hot dog cart operators across the country. Our free website service gives you a very high tech finished framework made just for hot doggers and mobile food vendors. It includes software that allows you to capture your customers email addresses so they will [...]

When Does Your Hot Dog Cart Season Start?

Hey Slingers, I am curious as to when the hot dog cart season gets into swing for hot doggers in different parts of the country. I'm about a month away from slinging season here in Missouri. How about you? Also tell me what you are going to do that's new this year! Let me know [...]

Fear of Hot Dog Failure

Hi Steve, My dream is to open my own restaurant, one day it will happen but for now i have to start small and build something. I'm from NY and hotdogs or dirty dogs as well call them are the best. I live in Florida now and I have a job and I want more, [...]

Hot Dog Cart Flyer Samples

Here are some sample flyers sent in by Hot Dog Profits readers. Nice job! Keep 'em coming! -Steve click the picture for a larger image  

Hot Dog Cart Flyers

click for a larger image Hey Slingers, I just had a request from one of my Premium Members for a sample hot dog cart flyers to promote his new hot dog biz. There are 50 customizable menu templates inside HDP Premium but I don't have any flyer examples. I would really love to [...]