Keep the Hot Dog Cart Nostalgia Factor When Growing Your Business

One of the biggest advantages you have with your hot dog cart is the nostalgia factor. People love the whole idea of a hot dog cart. That nostalgia factor is responsible for a good percentage of your sales. So what’s a slinger to do when you graduate to a concessions trailer? How do you keep the hot dog cart nostalgia factor? Hot Dog Profits Premium member Mary Dotson solved that challenge with an idea that is pure genius. […]

Are Your Hot Dogs Falling Apart? Try This…

Hot Dogs Falling Apart? Maybe You’re Going Too Cheap. If my Bar-S Jumbo Dogs stay in the water too long, they fall apart. What is a better Jumbo Dog? My wife and I are really new to the business. – Dave B. Hot Dog Profits Premium Member ****************** Hi Dave, It is tempting to increase your profit margins by serving an inexpensive hot dog but let’s talk about situations where that is appropriate and where it will hurt you big time. As you know Bar-S is […]

Get Your Kids Involved With Your Hot Dog Cart

Get Your Kids Involved With Your Hot Dog Cart Hey Slingers (and those who want to be)! I just got some totally cool pictures in an email from new HDP Premium Member Mark Johnson. Here is a sneak peak… Mark is starting a hot dog cart and is going to be working with his 9 year old son Garrett. They are even naming the business after Garrett. It’s going to be called “Little G’s Hot Dogs and More”. I really love it when youngsters take an interest in their parent’s hot dog biz. The benefits are many! A hot dog cart is the perfect platform to teach kids about […]

Serving Subs, Meatball Sandwiches, or Italian Beef on a Hot Dog Cart?

Hi Steve, We just started a concession stand two weeks ago. Have been making chilli dogs, hot dogs and meatball subs. Our main problem has been the buns. Can anyone tell me a good sub bun? […]

Hot Dog Cart Gig Post – Multiple Gigs – $600 Payouts

Hey Slingers, I just got news of five Grand Opening gigs that need hot dog vendors in June. All food is pre-paid by the promoter. All you have to do is show up and give away dogs at the Grand Opening. You’ll get $600 for your efforts. We have posted these gigs in […]

The Easiest Way to Increase Sales at Your Hot Dog Cart

What is the easiest way to increase sales at your hot dog cart? It’s not by getting more customers. Sure, getting more people to become regular customers at your hot dog cart will definitely increase your sales, but it’s definitely not the easiest way. In fact, the hardest part of the sales process is new customer acquisition. Getting a new customer takes time, energy, and money. Even if you don’t spend a dime on advertising, getting new customers costs you money. Why? Let me explain. If you are not spending money on […]

A Memorial Day Thought

Yesterday was Memorial Day. I could have worked but I decided not to. Instead of writing a newsletter article for you I decided to spend the day with family and friends, enjoying the freedom that so many gave their lives for. I hope you don't mind. Thank you to all who have served this great [...]

The $200 per Hour Hot Dog Cart

Who wants to make $200 an hour selling hot dogs? Read this very inspirational email that I just received from one of my Premium students. Doug writes… *********************************** Steve, here is something for your readers. Just a note to all the people who are on the fence about wondering whether they should or should not invest in a hot dog cart business, I have the following comments. I have followed your wisdom and have invested in your literature about the hot dog business. I have been in the business for just shy of three years. There have been some ups and downs in the business but by sticking with it, the hot dog business has proven to be very successful for me. I have just landed a gig which will pay me […]

Hot Dog Cart Radio – Presentation is Key to Increased Sales

Today I want to share some great info about increasing sales at your cart, but toward the end of this article I’m going to ask you for some help on behalf of one of our slinger buddies. Paul Chapman and his E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart Hey everybody, today I want to talk about a key concept in the hot dog cart business – cart presentation. How good is your presentation? The first step in the hot dog vending sales process is getting attention. If you can’t get someone’s attention you obviously can’t sell them anything. But after you get that initial attention, what is the next step? Presentation. I always say, “Don’t sell a hot dog – sell an […]