This changed my life. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself. Kenny writes…
You may know this little trick but if not I’ll share it with you. Since we’ve taken on LOWES, I’m chopping about 30 to 40 lbs of onions a week and I hate it because of the tears. I don’t know why Sam’s onions are so strong but it kills my eyes, until a friend of mine that owns a restaurant here in town told me what they do and never shed a tear. You wont believe it. Put some swimmers goggles on and start chopping. You’ll never cry again.
That’s done. Time for a swim…
Here’s 1 more trick cut them when there cold as in keep them in ur kooler till it’s time to cut..And you look great with them goggles on steve..
Thanks for the tip! I’ll try it. I’ve been chopping more onions lately myself. Bye the way…how did you get to be outside of Lowe’s. I approached them and they said corporate didn’t allow it. I had the same thing happen with Home Depot. Maybe it’s a regional thing, but any advice you could give me would be welcome.
I think I’ll just but mine already chopped…nice tip tho!
Clever but if you forgot your goggles toss those onions in the freezer fifteen minutes, then cut out the root cylinder first before any other part. Now you won’t need to buy goggles for you or your staff either. A penny saved is a penny earned.
So say you already got that far but you are still wondering how they always get those nice caramelized onions? You would be amazed what a teaspoon of brown sugar and a pad of butter will do for perfect looking onions in no time flat! Bonus your onions still taste like onions because the flavour hasn’t been rendered out in the browning process. Your customers will thank you and you my friend will look like the seasoned pro. That’s a good thing
…or you could even add a splash of cola! Works wonders on the flavor and appearance!
I do.
Now that is an awesome trick! Thanks
One other tip that my brother put me on to; hold a piece of bread in your mouth. (To be done at home. The bread has to be sticking out your mouth.
Really? You’re pulling my leg, right Robin?…
Still chopping by hand here too! Can’t get the same mouth feel, buying already chopped. I like a more fine chop almost a mince, that does’nt come from S & F, or R. Depot. Coming up I have a large event, will try the cooler / freezer method.
Great tip. When I first started I bought a Progressive onion chopper from a local store. Works really well and the clean-up is easy. Then i found out that very few of my customers wanted onions, I know which events need more onions so I buy pre-cuts for those. On the bright side I do not have to worry about the HD asking how, where and when cut.
Opps forgot to say I see they have the Progressive choppers on ebay I think that target carries them also.
I use to own two Subway restaurants and we always put the onions in a sink with water for 20 minutes before slicing them. We would cut them in half after they had soaked, then cut out the middle part of the onion, and then put them into the hand cranked slicer. I don’t remember ever having any problems with my eyes tearing up.
No goggles, no bread, no freezer!
Grandpa Walter was a specialty cook and this is how he did it.
Turn on the water faucet and peel the onions under the running water. The water washes away most of the juice that causes the tears.
No tears and the onions are clean to chop.
Thanks Grandpa!
As far as being able to sell in front of a Lowe’s or Home Depot it’s not a “corporate” thing. You need to get permission from the store manager and contact Street Eats who has a master contract with them as well as Best Buy. You will actually be renting your space from them and it is not cheap. I’ve been there. If you can’t get the store managers permission you’re not going to get a spot. A lot of managers don’t realize the benefits a food cart brings to the store. Good Luck, Dave
Great tip, I see another question here though. I have been buying the prepped onions at our Cash and Carry. They tend to be nice and sweet, not to mention uniform. The downside is that its a pretty big bag and the cost per pound is considerably more. In addition, I sometimes have to toss a half bag or so because they only stay fresh so long. Any thoughts on the best way to go?
Most, but not all Lowes, Home Dopots, and Best Buys contract through Street Eats. Talk to the store manager first and see if you can make a deal directly with him.
Thanks Grandpa Walter!
James – no kidding! Huh…
Good tip Tony!
DOTR – thanks for the progressive chopper info!
Bob and Rich,
Seems like the cold is another trick I didn’t know about. I should have worn ski goggles…
Tony/What a Tasty Dog
Thanks as well as 15 minutes in the freezer (no longer they go soft) I used to run the onion under the tap to wash off the onion. By then however sometimes a little juice still gets on your hands then you rub your eye well you know… So an added bonus to soaking them skin on in the sink must be no more dry flyaway onion peel to clean up after. Now apply that to sticky awkward garlic skins man they always test my patience. I’ll try your sink method on garlic as well those dry garlic skins drive me to distraction but soaking them might be the answer. Besides never hurts to wash off those skins in case of contaminants. I would suggest doing any soaking at your commissary as opposed to on the site as it would tend to use up water in your your onboard tank rather quickly. Thanks!
For any of you not familiar with the “root cylinder” it’s the larger of the two ends usually and protrudes out further on the vegetable than the other end. In Steve’s photo he has one already cut out on the right and on the other onion (left side of pic) it is the one showing in the photograph.
The root cylinder is where the majority of acids are that make the onion bitter and hence get your eyes welling up in frustration. Identify the root cylinder before any cutting! This is where the vast majority of the acid is in the onion right in the root. Experience will tell you how deep to score the root but to have it aced it usually pops out intact with the small center part of the root extended deep into the center of the onion. Here’s a very good You Tube video example: link
I suppose you could argue that all I need is are Steve’s geeky goggles and I don’t need to worry but remember the onion acid gets on your hands then you scratch your itchy eyes and you also breathe in some through your nose so don’t gawk with your mouth open when cutting either LOL!
Geeky? What the…
Where do you buy your onions chopped?
Has anyone ever cut their own onions and find out that they taste really bad sometimes. I’ve had this happen a couple of times and can’t figure out why. I always use fresh onions. I peel the onion then cut them in quarters and chop them in a food processor. I don’t cut the middle of the onion out and thought maybe that’s why.
Check your root cylinders, everyone
I heard an old secret long ago.. peel the onions underwater. I do not know if it works, I could never hold my breath that long. ( Sorry, I could not resist.)
Ba-dump bump. Gary will be here all week folks. Be sure to tip your waitress!
re: peeling garlic and the skins. put your garlic in
boiling water for 30 seconds or so, depending on how many you have and the skins just pop off and no dry flakey skins!
I microwave my garlic for about 5 seconds. Same deal, skins slide right off.
I try to stand on the windward side of the boat !!
Arrrrggg !!
1st mate Jim.
I have THE best readers on the interwebs – LMAO!
Kenny, how did you get the Lowe’s deal?
There is a company called “Street Eats” they have contract with lowes and Home Depot that’s the only way you can get in those stores.
I inquired bu.t after learning of their requirements I chose not to because of their rules you will be giving up your freedom. Check it out
Yep. But do check with the individual store manager first. Sometimes they will deal with you directly. Not often but it’s worth a try.
I am very sensitive and solved problem by putting cutting board on stovetop with vent on.
I buy my onions chopped and frozen at the local grocery store chain. also get my peppers and onions chopped mixed together and frozen. about a $1.10 a bag. no tears at all.
I chop onions and no crying. The trick is do not cut the root that is were all the chemicals are that makes u tear up once u cut, chop the root forget about it you will cry a river. found the tip through Chef Gordon Ramsay. Hope this helped
Lowes Corperate said last Sept. that they wanted venders at all of there Lowes. Ofcourse managers that were against it are fighting it, although some Lowes did open up and let venders in that had not , so if you had tried before this time at a lowes you may want to try again. We have been at a Lowes in Florida since last Sept’ Sometimes it is worth the rent sometimes not. Any other venders at Lowes have any suggestions on improving sale at Lowes. ?
On your onion lay it on it’s side, cut off above the root cluster (across the onion), then cut off top (again, across the onion) now skin the onion. Now lay it on it’s side again and cut it into slices (the same width as you want you pieces to end up). Now take about three of these slices at a time stacked up and cut through all of them length wise, then cross wise. You end up with a nice pile of wonderfully cut onions; and no tears! I learned this from a card carrying “Master Chef” some 40 plus years ago and have never shed a tear since and it goes MUCH faster than you would think once you get the idea….
Also, lay an toe of garlic on you cutting, lay your Chef knife (flat side of knife of coarse) smack the knife with your fist and it just about peels the garlic for you…..
This blog is the GREATEST…..
Cut them cold….cut them in half and place face down……use a very sharp knife…this destroys less cell membranes that release the sulfuric oxide that causes the irritation of the tear ducts…..and don’t forget to set the mood….lol….light a candle….it burns away the sulfur oxide as you cut……it works …try it…BTW …does any one know why posi-traction works….NO….IT JUST DOES….sorry had to fit in my Joe Dirt reference….love the site..!!!! : )
I work at a Lowes here in Kansas City, one thing I have done is purchased a table so people can sit down. Also if you have a Restaurant Depot in your area, they have 50 pound
Bags of onion’s for $14.00 dollars.
Big D
I kid you not! Bread hanging out of your mouth will prevent onion tears. I didn’t believe it either, but I tried it and it worked.
Ooooo Kaaaay…….
Goggles uh? I’m gonna give it a try. My wife and I play Paper, Rock, Scissors for who will chop the onions. I swear she is Psychic lol because I’m forever chopping onions…
Great tips on the garlic thanks all will try these. A sharp knife is a prerequisite for any style of cutting. Don’t be cheap buy a good stone thank me later LOL!
I checked both a Home depot and Loews here in Miami the manager at HD says I could probably do it for a Hour or 2 and I could be towed he cannot give me permission due to corporate he days the lowes said no because of co policy would it be worth setting up at HD for the risk of only 1-2 hrs
Steve this site is great a lot of great ideas and tips new to this just got all my licenses this week and ready to start slinging lol
Does anyone have a good recipe for sabretts red onion sauce please give me some tips on coney chili dog too thanks for your help
AWWWW, come on. As the old saying goes,
“Try it, you’ll LIKE it!”
Doesn’t anyone use the food processor for onion chopping? It takes like BAM no time and you can do like 5 onions at once.
I buy chopped 1/4 inch, from Gordons Food Service! their great and saves lots of time. Joe. that it its a secret on the red sauce but look it up on-line its there! ALSO, for those who care to get in front of Lowes or Walmart, you have to apply at they do the hiring for those stores. good luck lots of rules you have to abide by to get there. I backed away!
Great Comments…As Alwayz…Slingerz!!!

Reason for the tearz”!
Realize, that white onionz, in particular, are high in acid astringency! This Iz Key!!
If you rinse onionz, in cold water, once cut in half…this will…tone down the astringency factor, significantly!
So, you may, want to, go with a less astringent onion…ie; yellow onions!
Give it a Go…and Let Us…Noze!!
Rexx (Surf Dawgz Catering)
Thankz Rexx!
Hey Steve,
I place a cutting board on my stove UNDER the vent. Turn the vent on and chop. The air is moving and so no crying.
I will try the water hint just in case I have to chop without a vent.
Great idea!
I use red onions as my garnish and very seldom if ever have tears. They’re not as watery as a regular onion and add color to the dog. I put them in the cooler (peel on) about an hour before slicing works really well
I love red onions too.
I ordered a veggie chopper on Amazon. Should be coming today. I checked to give the Amazon link to share with you all, but now it’s no longer available. Hmmmm, hope I didnt get the last lemmon, gotta love the Amazon guarantee!
Ha! I’m sure it will be fine Mary.
Ebay sells them for $9.95 each.
Cool. Thanks Tom!
Chew gum while chopping and no tears.
Onions never give me tears… when I have my contact lenses in. Otherwise, I’m just like other mortals.