I’m slingin dogs and writin’ blogs – live!
I was invited to set up my cart at a new farmers market. Today is the first day and a lot of the produce isn’t in yet so things are a bit slow.
This market is at one of the most beautiful nurseries and garden centers in the area so I think it will just get better and better as summer progresses.
Just thought I’d check in between customers and let you know what I’m up to today. I’m posting this from my iPhone and I’ll try to figure out how to add pictures…
Update: Pics!
Yea buddy!
Awesome – Appreciate U & all u do
iPhone is my bestie!! Have fun!!
awesome news Steve! I was slinging free dogs for volunteers down here in Oklahoma. but now i have been overran by outback steakhouse , chipotle and other big chains. I am happy to move out of their way, they can feed many more people than i can. I will however be volunteering my services in other ways. to load supplies, unload donations, anything i can do. I know alot of people want to be ground zero helping out, but people are needed in all facets. Cash donations are needed as well. If you can put it out on your blog, that we need and appreciate any help that would be great. Animal things are needed alot, horse tack, anything to help.
Way to go Steve!!!! Where’s the pictures???
Steve, Michele and I just did our 2nd weekend farmers market. We’veday added lemon shakeups to our cart, and have been very successful with them. People eat 3 meals a day, but are thirst all day long. Great profits with a small investment!
Lemon shake ups? What are they & can you please share recipe? Thanks!
Lemonade made in a cup. You squeeze a lemon in the cup, add sugar and water and shake it up. Some people pre-make a syrup out of water and sugar, boiling it then letting it cool.
Hello I’m here in FL was thinking of selling lemon shake ups also what price do you sale them for $3.50-$4?? And is it a 16 oz or 32??
Glad to hear you’re open.
The weather doesn’t look good for us this weekend.
Maybe we can at least get to open Monday. Arrrgggggg!!!!
1St Mate Jim.
I wish I didn’t wear shorts today. It’s 61 and blowing. Still having more fun than I deserve
way to go steve have fun
Thanks, I am!
Nice! Good luck out there Steve. I’m out here today at my daily spot in northern Ct. Thunderstorms and downpours all day but sticking it out anyhow. (At least a little longer) Cheers!
Way to go Steve, I am also at a farmers market right now and on my iPhone. The cherries are awesome right now.. Thanks for all you do!!
Hi Steve,
Give that I-phone to your next customer as a Memorial Day bonus ‘Buy a dog and get this I-Phone Free !” I just upgraded to latest Samsung Galaxy and am in picture snappin’ heaven…lol
Hey congrats Beau and thanks for helping those people that’s awesome!!
Way to go, I’m heading to Nashville this weekend, reconning the area.
Pics are easy. Go to photos, click on camera roll, tap the pic you want and then the forward arrow at the bottom. At least that’s how my IPhone 4works. Which one have u got? I haven’t been out all week. Some from an injury, some from weather. T-storms pounding us as I write.
Kill it!!
hve fun. i finally got some sunny days in Alaska, and am doing awesome! i worked the bar rush on saturday though and it was hailing— still sold out!
Hi Steve glad to hear you’re still slinging. Not open here today too cold and raining hard, added a morning Dawg to our cart this year for Farmers market Saturdays and antique on the bluff Sundays. Always something new here in St. Joe. Keep up the good work. Marge
Hey Steve that’s great I buy nice fresh corn from the Farmers mkt down the street and I sell grilled corn sea salt or Cajun it sells fast and the smell yummy
I set up for one hour before it started raining and its now 43 freaking degrees out. Glad someone had a good day.
I thought it was summer…
Don’t wear yourself out man. We need ya Bro!
King Weenie rides again! Yeah Buddy!
Glad to see your back and slinging. Do you or any of your readers know of a dog slinger in Omaha?
What no pictures Steve! I wanted to see your best dog! Oh well good luck
I took pics. I’ll post them when I get back to my computer.
Hello Steve nice gig. I buy my corn on the Cobb from the farmers market down the street I sale grilled corn with sea salt or Cajun sales very well
Hey DAVE KING…what is a lemon shakeup???? Sounds interesting, especially the
high profit part!!!!
Im bAck doggin’ it again too….weather dependent, of course….somehow I just refuse
to do wind and rain…it just doesn’t work (people wont stop even with a 10′ x 10′ canopy.
Hope ya had a good day Steve. Good luck with it! Looks like you had some happy customers.
Thanks Jeff. Yeah, it’s always fun.
So glad to hear one more being successful !!!
You’re next Hali!
Love the add on table wings!
They make a huge difference. I need my work space!
Hey Steve,
The pics came out great !
But who’s that happy dude in the last one ? Just kidding…lol
Have a great Memorial Day Week-end.
I’ll be slinging at the skate park all week-end and probably snappin’ a few pics myself !
I’d love to see the pics!
I have to agree! 3 events now under my belt and have had a blast at each one.
Sheesh all this chatter about inclement weather has me asking myself a question I never pondered before Steve! Besides booting it home how do you prepare your cart for an inadvertent lightning strike? ???? Sorry to be a wet blanket but just wondered if anyone uses those grounding straps you see on RV’s? Seems like a good idea now that I think of it.
Thanks for the lemon shakeups recipe very helpful
I’ll be slinging soon enough Steve just got a nice little freezer today now for the little niggly bits and the cart and commissary will be good to go. In negotiation tomorrow with a marina see “The Commodore” 1100 sharp!
coming together at long last pretty stoked. Will send pics once I sew up a million loose ends. Looks like you have the nicest customers Steve have a good season take care, Rich. 
I guess it’s like golfing. If you see lightning just use your best judgement. In reality we are in much more danger driving to and from our gigs than getting hit by lightning. (I hope I didn’t just jinx myself
Pics of happy customers are cool. I need to do that more. Thanks for the blog.
My pleasure Bella!
Hi Steve,
Whose meat are you slinging these days? They look pretty darn good.
I have them custom made by a meat packer in St. Louis. They are made with 100% Black Angus Beef. I can’t stop eating my profits…
Cart looks great-Steve! I love the “wings”. AND, I ‘ll have one with chili & mustard! Yum!!!
Chili and mustard it is!
Way to go Steve. Any leader can tell you the way, but a GREAT LEADER shows the way. Its great to see you out there slinging.
Thanks man.
First of all thanks for the Prayers for our son Tra’e (motorcycle accident victim). H is home and doing better. Still have a way to go…..Maybe back to FULL DUTY in the fall
or poss. early winter….GREAT pictures keep on slinging…….Donny and Sheila Hill (WE ARE SO BLESSED AND THANKFUL)……
That’s GREAT news Donny! Thanks for the update, I’ll let my family know. They ask about Tra’e every night.
Great pics mi hermano, nice to see the author still out there slinging and continue doing doing what he loves doing. I did some slinging yesterda as well, in another county I had never been to before. Had the health inspector come out and inspect my set up and operation. She was totally impressed with the cart and everything was well within regulation so needless to say I passed! She was so impressed with home built cart that she took pictures of it to show the other officers at her office. Thanks Steve for all you have done to get me where I’m at in life and in our profession!
By the way, the county I worked in was Brazos co, where Texas A&M university is located. The organizers of the event have asked me to come back in October for their car show/arts & crafts show! That should be awesome, with school back in session!
Awesome! Sell ’em all!
You certainly did a great job with your E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart, brother. Thanks for sharing your inspector’s reaction, it made my day!
That lemonade sure sounds like a winner up here in Oregon . I was going to do the farmers market this year but with doing this auction gig 4 times a week is just what i need. My grandaughter comes and helps me on friday and sat nights cause i get pretty busy on sat when the guns are sold. i sure thank you for all your help on getting me into this business.if i wouldnt have came across your site i might still be in my chair wondering where to start. U r so awesome. Good to see u out there slinging those dawgz
Thanks Debbie. I’m glad it’s going so well for you. Send me some pics!