The following is a guest post by “Happy” Jack Meeks. Great info. If you want to hear more from Happy Jack and how he grew his hot dog biz to three carts, you can listen to the interview I did with him for Hot Dog Cart Radio by clicking here.

“Happy” Jack Meeks
Here is the best tip you are ever going to get regarding ice usage and coolers.
I have had the same coolers (Coleman) for 5 seasons now. First you need to store your coolers completely filled with canned products and ice for the next day in a walk in cooler.
Also keep all your spare beverages in the walk in as well. Never put warm beverages in your cold coolers, it will reduce your ice by 50%. We have the coldest beverages in Indiana and that’s how we do it.
Hope it helps,
Happy Jack’s Hot Dogs, Greenwood, Indiana.
P.S. If you don’t have a walk in cooler get a used refrigerator off of Craigs List specifically for your hot dog business. Store all your beverages in the fridge and keep your coolers indoors in the air conditioning whenever you are not using them.
Fellow Doggers..we are in a contest for best hot dog in Indianapolis and we are currently in 2nd place we need to get 60 votes today to move into 1st and we are hoping that you would cast a vote for us at the link below. Please consider voting for us at the link below. Thanks, Happy Jack
Happy Jack
I find that dry ice is the best. In pa, in my county, where I am at, we are not supposed to use ice, ice packs only. Ice packs go only so far.
A little trick I have learned is to put ice cream salt on or in UR ice in 30 min u will have slush pop, now thats cold!
Always use the smallest chunk ice possible It keeps things colder, and really spreads the ice and coldness around for cans of pop! You can also use a pink lemonade dispenser,on a hot summer day for good sales People love the pink color, sunshine shining through it, and it reminds so many people of a time when picnics,family reunions, and pink lemonade were a summer time family staple! Ive had many people comment on my cart, that it brings back the nostalgia of the big cities,and its a part of Americana that brings back happier times! Happy hot dog luck! Keep the spray bottles with ice water handy,its an added plus!
VOTED a 2lt plastic bottle with 1/4 salt frozen is great I have huge coolers so I put a row at the bottom the sodas then ice ,fyi in one chest the 2lt keeps my meat froz for 8hr in the shade.
I never had a problem with the soda coolers keeping things cold, but the cart, where I keep the meat doesn’t quite do the job on a really hot day. I now alternate kosher salt and ice in layers and have kept things frozen for most of the day. It could work for sodas too, I guess, but then the cans get salty. I like the idea of frozen saltwater in jugs for that. Great tip!
I have a big enough chest freezer, that I freeze about 1 inch of water overnite in each cooler (yes, they are coolman plastic coolers..). Keeping the drinks in a 33-35degree refrigerator overnite, and the coolers seem to last all day in the summer months. Have done this for about 35yrs (even back in the day when the coolers were metal – haha)
I am sure all the other suggestions listed work just as well. The main thing is to find a “system” that works for you!
I love that tip Mike! Thank you for sharing it!!!
I agree with andre the most. I don’t use salt though. I save all my plastic bottles and milk jugs and freaze. Keeps my dogs, condiments, and drinks cold. I use little bagged ice even here in Arizona, 2 bags at most per day. Yes always chill my drinks day before in the fridge.
Great idea Randy!