I’ve got another “Hot Dog Cart Radio” interview for you with a successful slinger who’s sharing his secrets.
“Happy” Jack Meeks grew his Indiana hot dog biz from zero to three carts and today you’re going to hear how he did it (audio interview link and photos below).
Here’s the email that piqued my interest and prompted me to ask Jack for an interview…
Thanks for your response on my Cash Tracker question. I like the fact that it is tailored for the hot dog business.
I built one of your E-Z Built Hot Dog Carts 3 seasons ago ( when I retired) and it was an immediate hit in our township (right outside Indianapolis). Last year we purchased another cart at an auction and this year have added yet another.
My family ran a hot dog business in Virginia for 45 years and I always wanted to do this. After I retired, I did it…and it has grown and I have no doubt it will continue to grow as large as I want to grow it. I’m also using 45 year old family recipes for relish and chili that also helps a great deal.
If you get a minute, take a look at my website…and your cart…that started it all…it is still in service and my customers love it…we get special request for it to cater events….
Happy Jack Meeks
Without further ado, let’s listen to Happy Jack Meeks on the original Hot Dog Cart Radio – broadcasting since 2009 here at HotDogProfits.com. Click the link below to listen…
Hot Dog Cart Radio – Happy Jacks Hot Dogs
Do you want to succeed in the hot dog biz like Happy Jack? Here’s how… I’m going to share with you a powerful secret that I learned a long time ago.
Tony Robbins said it in his best selling book Unlimited Power, “If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded.”
How you can duplicate Jack’s success
Just use the exact step by step model that Jack followed to build his business up to three carts.
Be sure to congratulate him on his awesome E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart and the rockin’ business he has created around it. Let him know what you think in the comments – and give Jack some free pub by sharing this on your Facebook (there’s a little blue f button below).
Thanks slingers!
Click the pictures below for a larger version.
Kinda off topic, but….We’ve all heard the saying “Selling like HotCakes”. So I thought, why not go into the Hot Cake business? Even had a name….”Happy Jack’s Flapjack Shack”…..Selling dogs instead.
Is that yellow stuff the famous relish? Is it at all like Rutt’s Hutt’s?
LOL! It’s got a ring to it.
Great Job!!!!! 3 carts? I wish you well in your dog slinging biz. I love to see people expand there greatness in life, even better after they retire. I think it’s awsome.
Jack is an inspiration for sure!
Selling dogs is awesome when you get a SS check every month. Work when you wanna.
And it isn’t even work when you love it.
Hi Steve, I have personally seeked out Happy Jack’s and have had his hot dog and experienced his setup in Greenwood. I’m trying to visualize the same opportunities in nearby Mooresville and getting excited again about doggin’. BTW I think Happy Jack had a birthday recently so “Happy birthday Jack, I’ll get over to see you on Main St. soon and have a dog and pick yer brain!”
I didn’t know that. “Happy Birthday Happy Jack!”
Thanks Randy for the heads-up.
Wow…Nice job Happy Jack!
Hi Jack,
We ‘listenedandlooked’ at your hot dog cart business. Looks great! Congrats.
I have my cart almost finished (its name will be Dogs ala Cart) and am just getting started and was wondering what the enclosure is at the bottom of the cart. Could you let me know.
Appreciate it.
Richard Wilson
Warrensburg, MO
Thanks Richard, my wife and I spent many hours making sure that we followed all Steve’s directions. You have a pretty sharp eye noticing the enclosure on the bottom of the cart. I was a little concerned about putting the “waste water” container inside the cart. I did not want any contamination in-case I developed a leak. Therefore, I installed it outside the cart and located it where I could drain by simply bending down and turning on the valve. It does reduce your clearance on the bottom of the cart and although it seemed like a good idea at the time…I will be placing the tank on the inside of the carts on all future builds. In addition, our carts are hauled on trailers and this would probably be a hazard for those carts that were towed by your vehicle. I hope this answers your question. My suggest is to follow Steve’s plan by the numbers and you will have a great cart with many years of service.
Have a Great day…Happy Jack
GREAT INTERVIEW! What an experience! All I can say is it was meant to be. And Steve, you say I’M living the dream???
You sell hot dogs by a beautiful lake Robin. Yes, you are living the dream!
wow, he has a dog cartel.
Actually HDP Premium Member Bruce Zich’s business is called Bruce’s Hot Dog Cartel! Great minds think alike Corey. Here’s a picture of Bruces E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart. He did a really nice job on it.

If I had a fleet of cart and ran them all over town,
I would call myself The DogFather.
Again, you’re too late Corey. Here’s a customer of mine in Arizona.

I really like “Bruce’s Hot Dog Cartel’s” rig…it looks fantastic…the stainless skin and the sink addition over the tongue was a good idea…probably going to borrow that on my next build.
The Dogfather food truck is out of this world. These are the kinds of people that made America what it is today…anyone can be their own boss if they are willing to work hard and give a value added service/product for a reasonable cost . A great looking rig like these guys have is a big part of that allure…again, great job guys and keep them dogs hot and your buns warm and remember…money is attracted, not earned…Happy Jack
“Money is attracted, not earned.”
Quote of the day Jack – thanks!
Happy Jack, I grew up in Indy,East Side. We now live in Arizona. We been selling for 5 years here.
By chance are you looking to market your coney sauce? I’ve tried serveral different kinds. But, I haven’t been able to find the one sauce that makes a real difference. When I was a young boy. I remember a Dog’s n Suds in our area that had the greatest sauce. I’ve never been able to duplicate it.
Good luck in the future with the business.
Awesome job Happy Jack, I can’t wait til I can expand my fleet of one cart to 3! By the way, I had my EZ-Built cart skinned in stainless steel as well and it looks a lot like Corey’s. Anyway, I wish you continued success!
Way to go Jack….keep on selling those Hot…Hotdogs……