Here’s a great tip from HDCN reader Dane Perelstein. Dane slings dogs at a local ball field and has turned a problem into an asset that builds great PR for his hot dog cart business.
Dane writes: I found a way of getting rid of extra hot dogs at ball games.
Folks who buy a dog write their name on a ticket. Near the end of the game I call out as many names as there are dogs left. Come on down for your free hot dog.
People love it. We have lots of fun and it builds good customer relations.
Dane Perelstein
Awsome tip Dane! What a great way to generate interest in your business and build your brand. Thanks for sharing that with us.
I signed up for this and it is great. Steve is a great Teacher and makes it easy for you to have your own great web site. Just follow his videos and you will be surprised how easy it is to do. His staff (which is also great) along with Steve are there to help.
I would highly recommend this as a great improvement to your business.
Thanks again Steve
Thanks Jim!
You should have already been granted access to our private video library where you can watch your marketing training videos.
Steve can you send me a link to this video.
Thanks Bro,
Here you go Boo:
My orange button never showed. How do I take advantage of this opporuntity?
If you can’t see the orange button, you can go to and click on the green “FREE” button. You can sign up there for your free website.
Hopefully you don’t have to many left……
That’s a good goal
Thanks Bob.
Hey Steve;
I currently have a website but am interested in switching over to the one you offer. Can I do this and keep the web address that I currently have
Yes, I’ll email you with the details Mike.
Thats a great idea for the left over dogs, thats cheap advertising,and goodwill
I must have missed it.
Go to and click the green “FREE” button. Thanks Tony!
Hi Steve! yes I also signed up for the web-site. this is a first for me and I am really getting the hang of some neet ideas for the “End of the season” specials. Keep up the good work Steve and hope to see you next year on the bluff overlooking the great lake of Michigan!!
Awesome Marge!
I never give out free dogs to customers as many ask, however when my event is over, and whatever i have left, i go and set up at the shelter and start giving them out. it doesnt matter what time it is, i finished up at a night club at 3 am once had 20 or so dogs left ( i was just starting out and hadnt gotten control of my dogging yet) go down to the shelter set up , and boom here they would come. They enjoy it, and so do I. I understand if you do not have a shelter near you, but i did find that alot of people want to wait until closing then ask for a discount or freebies, these people need to be brushed off with the I only give free food to homeless people.
That’s a good thing to do Beau. Very nice.
Hey Steve,
I want to sign up for that, but I’m too busy right now to get into it. Can I do it next month after I shut down when I have more time?
You are already have your domain and hosting so setting this up at a later date would be no problem. Just let me know when you want to do it.
Hello Steve, I am in the same boat as DogZilla Grill and would love to switch over to your offer! Please let me know what I need to do! Thank you for all that you do! Mitch
I’ll shoot you an email in the morning with the info. Thanks Mitch.
Hey there Steve, I see that you have a dog sled for what looks like 7 dogs. Do they make one that is for just, 4 dogs? I have limited space.
No but you could have a machine shop cut it down for a few bucks. Or you could use a hacksaw – and 20 blades. Stainless steel is HARD!
I was at a car show once with a car dealership in the same area. At the end of the show some of the car sales people came by and asked if I had any free dogs since I was closing down. I asked which cars where free since they were closing for the day. You should have seen the looks on that one.
That is too funny Jerry! I love it.
Steve, OMG dogzilla needs a new website more than life itself! Please help them before there is a condiment explosion…my goodness, ever heard of keep it simple? Miss you Steve…BAD! Love the wiener women!
Hey Ladies! We’ll get Mr. Zilla fixed up with a proper site ASAP, lol. Good to see you two back in the HDCN.
Hi Steve, I went to the hosting site by pushing the orange button but the lowest plan I saw offered was $ 15.95/mo. Has it changed. Also didn’t see a place to put in coupon code. Thanks Bill
No, I just checked and you can get hosting for $7 and change. We have the same offer at
Hysterical reply to the car show asking for a hot dog “freebie”! Love the idea Beau has for taking extras to homeless shelters, excellant idea! ~BobD
Hey Steve…Love your website, tips and insight from your huge following….I make your website my daily stop for industry info….keep up the great work!!!
Fred from AZ
Thanks Fred from AZ!