Do you know what your mission is? Kevin does…
Kevin writes…
Hey Steve,
Maybe you covered this already but I wanted to share a story.
My cart has a menu that really looks more like a restaurant than a hot dog cart. It’s in a frame and hangs so that it’s easy to read. It’s also easy to change as needed but I always just use an old version of Print Shop to cut and paste new or changed items.
One thing that has not changed and is the subject of some teasing from a friend who stops by is that my hot dog cart has a Mission Statement.
According to my friend, “I have to be the only hot dog cart in the country with a posted mission statement”.
It reads:
“It’s our mission to serve the best products at comfortable prices. Having fun along the way is part of the plan. If for any reason your not happy with anything we serve, let us know. If it cannot be corrected, you are due a full refund. Your input is always appreciated and we encourage you to share any thoughts about our products, condiments or the weather! THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS “
I think it works if for no other reason than I occasionally read it and it reminds me why I do this.
Street Dogz
Bellingham WA
I think that is a super idea Kevin. Hot Dog Vending is a real business. I’m glad to see you treating it as such.
How about it slingers… Do you have a mission statement? Put it in the comments.
If you don’t have one, take a minute to come up with one, or even just part of one and share it with your fellow doggers. I think this would be a great resource for us to pick and choose from to come up with our own custom mission statement.
Let me hear ‘ya!
i must agree 100 per cent think of when you buy a car the first thing you want to know is what is the warranty that is the same in the food business and showing the warranty of your food is powerful stuff keep up the great level of service and good luck this summer
A food warranty. I like the analogy Lou.
Hi Steve (HDP Guru), I thought when you visited me at New Years when you were up in Chicago and tried my Dawgs, that I had told you what my son came up with.
“If you don’t like the first one, the second ones free ” !!!
I have that much confidence in the flavor of my Dawgs !!!
Bruce of ” Bruce’s Hot Dog Cartel “.
I do remember that and it still makes me chuckle. After sampling your dogs I can confidently say that you’ll never have to honor that guarantee. Dee-licious!

My business partner and I have two short but powerful mission statements:
“Pay it Forward”
“It’s all about Relationships”
True and true. Thanks Rich!
“The best product for the best price”.
Its short, simple, and to the point. I truly believe this is what customers want to know. I can back this up because i sell Nathan’s for $2 each and I still provide the $5 meal (two Nathan’s, a drink, and bag of chips).
I only make $1 profit on each dog but I truly make it up in volume.
Raise your prices David. Seriously.
I’m sure your customers value your products and services enough for you to charge a fair price for them. I’m sure they want to pay you enough so that you can stay in business for the long haul. I’m sure they would miss you if you had to shut down your business. They don’t want that.
As I said recently, never ever feel bad about charging more for a quality product.
Each dollar you earn is a certificate of appreciation bestowed upon you for providing a great product or service.
If the customer doesn’t feel that your product is worth more to them than the money they have to trade for it then you won’t make any money.
No one is holding a gun to the customer’s head. They are the ones who control the flow of these certificates of appreciation.
Bump it up a buck and I’ll bet your volume won’t fall at all. Heck, it costs six or seven bucks for a crappy combo meal at a fast food joint.
You deserve to get paid well for the service you are providing. Don’t cheat yourself.
I chose to make our Mission Statement short and sort of tongue-in-cheek:
“Our Mission – To Bring Dogs To The People”
Big Dawg’s Hot Dogs, LLC
Ha! Love it.
Arrrgggg mayey !!
If you don’t like our dogs ye can walk the plank !!
Har har harrrrr !!
Going on 28 years now & no jumpers yet.
1St Mate Jim.
Ye be long in the tusk me hardy! Yer must be slinging ’em correctly.
Funny you should ask…
Our Mission Statement:
“Our purpose for establishing this business was to provide high quality food and snacks to the public at a reasonable price and at a convenient location.”
Mission Statement…I haven’t heard that term since I said:” Brye,byre” to the “Corporate World”…LOL
But you have one, don’t you 😉 You can take the boy out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the boy.
All kidding aside, I like your mission statement a lot!
It ain’t done till the bark is gone.
Our food is great food, with service to make you smile! 🙂
Hey Steve,
Nice surprise to see the topic today! The comments never fail to add new “food for thought”. Hmmmm, “Food for Thought”, I like that.
It’s funny that the corporate, or as I call it “The C word”, was brought up. I never made the connection to my old life when the mission statement came to mind for the cart. I’ll compete with anyone for the amount of disdain I have for the general corporate structure in this country these days! There are of course some exceptions.
I am a former broadcaster in both radio and television. My personal creed as a broadcaster was- tell them what your going to do, when your going to do it, then do it above and beyond expectations. Oh and, if your not having fun your audience probably isn’t either.
It takes a great amount of grit and determination to make any business work these days and dog slingers are truly working the “American Dream”. My hats off to each and every one out there!
Right on Kevin!
My mission is to provide food of the highest quality and flavor under the cleanest conditions at an affordable price. Also to provide a friendly and courteous atmosphere and kindness to those in need, never turning away hungry children or anyone suffering from thirst regardless of ability to pay.
PS, Steve, I don’t post this at the cart, but word of mouth has given me this reputation and it’s as good a statement as I could come up with. This IS my mission.
That’s a beautiful thing Robin.
If I had a mission statement I would think it would be:
Good!! Good!!
Yep. Yep.
I’m not too creative, so Kevin’s is now in my ‘swipe file’.
And thank you!
Swipe file, eh? You wouldn’t be a copy writer would you? 😉
Hi guys,just open for buisness. About 6 weeks ago I’m at a ace hardware here in ft,myers fl.its not a busy place but its in an industrial area I have passed out menu,s to different businesses ,I’m still looking for the right hot dog to sell I tried sabretts to thin an no flavor, any ideals
Congrats on getting started Mary! You’ll find your dog.
My recommendation would be Hebrew National or Nathans.
The trick with Sabrett hot dogs is that you have to boil and then grill them. Thats what I do and the folks love them. Great smoky taste with a “snap”. Still great just boiled too! Use standard size buns and the dogs stick out on the ends and make ’em look bigger.
Thanks Dale!
Hot Dog Mike !!!
Guaranteed !!! To Be The Best Dog’s
on The Block !!! Or your Money Back !!!
If ya Dont like em Dont Pay For em !!!
“Doin it New York Doggie Style”
Hot Dog Mike!!!
My statement is real simple. “Hot Diggidy Dogs they’re Hot Diggidy Good” and no one walks away hungry, or un-happy ! We only serve the best to our friends !
I believe that Paul.
I saw this somewhere, liked it, and use it myself –
“Stop by and eat, or we’ll both starve!”
I think you saw that here. One of my customers has that on his cart, can’t remember who though…
When a Customer is grumpe or is haveing a bad day,,,,Make him /her smile so he knows it could get a lot worse,,,remind him of the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld “No soup 4 you” No dawgs 4 YOU,,,,,go to Sonic, You are on probation,,,,,,,,,,Make sure your customers leave with a smile,,,,Make it a event,,,a Destination,,,,to come get a dawg at your stand…..
The SKYS the limit best of the best pay what I suggest!
Pay what I suggest. lol!
My Motto–
“Frankly speaking, these are the best hot dogs in Reno”
“Lucky Dawg will always have the cleanest cart, the freshest ingredients and the best tasting hot dogs and sausages around, always served with with a hello and a smile”
Very good!
Our Mission statement: It is our upmost desire to provide: Superb Customer Service, a quality Product at reasonable price in a Fun Atmosphere while Uplifting and Caring about those around us and those we have the privilege of serving.
I like it!
How do you explain your mission statement,?
Your mission statement tells why you are in business. And no, it’s not just to make money. The money is a result of successfully defining and executing your mission statement every day.