hot dog cart happiness

I just got this email from a customer of mine. Her happiness and enthusiasm made my day and I thought it would make yours too!


Hi Steve,

I just had to write and tell you what’s going on as I know I haven’t written in a while.

I apparently made a very good move today.  I did away with the Georgia Red Hots and switched to sausages.  Where I was lucky to sell 4 or 5 red hots in two or 3 days, I sold 6 sausages today alone!  I also switched from chopped onions in barbecue sauce to Mancini onions from a jar and added barbecue sauce.  MUCH better!

I joined Sam’s club recently and found prices FAR cheaper than BJ’s (a number 10 can of sauerkraut for under $5 vs a quart jar for more than $3).  Same difference with the nacho cheese.  I can get the pulled pork at Sams year round vs waiting until Memorial day with BJ’s, and it cheaper!  I get a 4 lb. tray for $1 more than a 3lb. tray at BJ’s.

The Sausages are going for $12 for a pack of 15.  I sell them for $6 a sandwich, much cheaper than most get for them around here, and people love my onions and chili.

One of my regulars came around today and when he heard I’m running them now, he said he knew what he was going to have today.  All I heard was, “omg, OmG, OMG, IS THAT GOOD!  He had it with chili and onions and had to go to his car for a wet nap as he had it all over his face.  He dove in head first! 🙂

Then, a new customer came by, very enthusiastic as he was working the area for 2 new customers himself. He’s an exterminator and from out of town.  He was thrilled to see me there as he noticed that our town doesn’t have much to offer for a quick bite to eat.  My brother started rattling on about the new sausages and my last customers reaction, so he tried one the same way, with chili and onions (I’m talking the BBQ onions).  As he was leaving, I told him (a little tongue in cheek) that he HAD to give me a review before he left.  I quote, “The onions…OUT OF THIS WORLD,  the chili, TO DIE FOR,  and the sausage…a perfect plump, chewy little snap and very tasty!”

You wouldn’t believe how I make the chili.  It’s a very simple and cost effective blend of Hormel no bean and Walmarts Hot dog chili sauce.  Try it.  It’s got a flavor that will knock your socks off!

I took your advice on making a steamer and bought two 2″ deep steam pans full of holes.  I boil the sausages first to get them hot, then move them into the steamer on top of the water.  They darken up just right so they look grilled, but they’re snappy, hot and full of flavor.  Sometimes I do the same with the hot dogs, but I find they get too dark.  I also found that if I drop them back into the water for a few minutes, they pink up again, so I keep rotating them and they look spankin’ new fresh, plump and have a great flavor all day.

hot dog cart robinI LOVE THIS BUSINESS!  Steve, I think I’m totally addicted to it.  I think this is the year it will all come together for me.  With those sausages I think I’ll be raking it in in buckets!  People are more aware that I’m there, they’re telling their friends and I’m getting a great reputation for quality, cleanliness and generosity. I give free drinks to those who are hot and thirsty; runners, bikers or anyone who forgot their wallets and got in over their head.

I’m generous with the portions, flexible with orders… on that one here’s an example.  A husband and wife came by one day and weren’t real hungry, but wanted a hot dog.  Just one to split.  But he wanted mustard and relish and she wanted just ketchup.  So I fixed half his way and the other half her way, they broke it in half and everyone was happy!   And this year I’m seeing repeat customers from 50 miles away!  Just out for a tour and decided to come back here for a bite to eat.

Well, I think I’ve done enough bragging for one day.  Bottom line is, I LOVE IT ALL!!!!  And again, thank you so much for all the help and support!!!!  You’re one in a million……….Gee, that means there are 8 more just like you in NYC! 😉

Talk to you soon,



Thanks for sharing that Robin!



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