Picture 6

When I was a little kid in Texas my parents took me to a haunted house which was being held at my grade school.

I wasn’t scared to go because, after all, it was at my school. I went there every day. It was totally familiar. What could go wrong?

Plenty as it turns out.

First, it was dark. Real dark. Like, night time dark…

Second, as soon as I entered the building I realized that things were not familiar at all. The light bulbs had been replaced with black lights and strobes. There were cob webs all over. The lockers and class room doors were gone – they had been covered with black paper.

And there was an awful lot of blood on the floor.

I immediately turned around and tried to leave but the doors were locked behind me. There was only one way out and that was to go forward. Straight ahead. Through the nightmare.

That’s when the creepy music, moaning, chain rattling, and screaming started.

I began to panic. My stomach started flipping. My legs turned to jelly and my heart sank.

Picture 2My 8 year old brain said, “RUN, RUN,RUN!!!”

And that’s exactly what I did.

A full on Olympic class sprint for the exit.

I was doing good, going for the gold, almost out…

Until  I rounded a corner and smashed into the coffin.

And the lid opened.

And the scary dead dude popped up.

I don’t remember anything else after that, except that I promised myself two things. I would always have a change of underwear, and I would never, EVER step foot in a haunted house again.

Maybe one day, after extensive therapy… but as of today I have no use for them.

Except this – haunted houses are one of the best places in the world to sell hot dogs.

salem_halloween_crowdThink about it. Hundreds of people, all in one place, night after night for weeks.

And they all ate dinner hours ago. Hungry humans in a party mood as far as the eye can see.

Now is the time to contact your local haunted house and secure a spot. Don’t wait because the organizers of these events are already working on them, have been for a while now.

A great approach is to offer them free advertising on your menus and fliers at your regular location in exchange for letting you set up. If you don’t have a regular location, offer to flier the local neighborhoods for them. I’m sure you can think of other creative ways to spread the word.

Free promotion. That’s the winning pitch.

Where are the best haunted houses? Here is a great place to find all the spooky stuff in your area. Click it to see your state:

If you haven’t gotten started yet it’s not too late – but only if you get on the fast track by grabbing a copy of my Hot Dog Biz 101 course. In it I’ll walk you through everything you need to know to be up and running in time.

Check it out at HotDogBiz101.com

Until next time, BOO!


P.S. This is the scariest costume I’ve ever seen.
Click the pic for a “King” size version.
elvis halloween
