A compromise at best. But no longer!
Are you selling assorted chips on your hot dog cart? I don’t know about you but whenever I buy the assortment packs of chips for resale I always end up with leftover Fritos. Every time.
I am over run by bags of Fritos!
I’m not sure how a company’s flagship product (Frito Lay, right?) has fallen so far out of favor as to need to be recycled into frito pies and walking tacos just to move the bags out of my inventory.
How would you like to be able to order custom quantities of just the chips you need? No more extra Fritos bags to contend with… (insert sound of angelic choir here).
Snacks to You. Hot Dog Profits Premim Member Bernie Null just sent me a link to a program sponsored by Frito Lay. It’s called Snacks to You. Looks like just what the doctor ordered. Check it out:
I’m going to give away all my left over Fritos at Halloween and never look back. Snacks to You.
Thanks Bernie!
Nope. With me it’s CHEETO’S. 50-pack of “assorted” and about 30 of them are Freeto’s. Thanks for the link.
take the leftovers and crush them over the hot dogs, kids love them, and makes a crunchy dog
Thanks Ron never thought of that!!! Cheetos DOG!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so last time out slinging I took my 11 year old daughter with me she loved the Cheetos dog! Just saying…..Great Idea and a new dog on my menu!
buy enough chips check Costco or foodmaxx supermarket how many chips do you need ? my guess would be 50
hay hold on thay are good sold with cille and cheese and toppings as a plate 6.00 then add two dogs 11.00 with dogs it all gets sold on my cart go big or go home good luck all go fritos i get good money at the bars
I like ’em too but I can’t seem to move enough of them to take care of my overstock.
Good tip. Thank you!!
Thats a cool idea ! No unwanted chips allowed !!!
Arrrr har harrrrrr !!
1St Mate Jim.
Make ’em walk the plank, says I.
That is Soooooo Funny! I just completed my first two gigs and the Frito Corn Chips are the #1 leftover! I like the different ideas to utilize the Fritos and I am definately going to check out the Snacks to you link!
Thanks Steve!
Steve here’s an idea for your leftover Fritos I put them in tray out chili and cheese or what ever the customs wants an charge according usually the same as nachos $3.00
My problem is not enough Fritos in those variety packs. Wanna offer Frito Pie but I have to make it Dorito Pie.
That sounds tasty too!
I have the same problem thst is why I buy my chips from hers instead of bj’s nobody eats the cheetos and I eat all the fritos.
I love Cheetos. Hate the orange fingers though, especially when slingin. I found a way around it. Crush the bag first, then open and pour into your mouth.
Just tear the bag open, pour some chili and cheese over them and sell them as “Walking Tacos”. Messy, yet tasty!
left over nachos was the one i always had. went to plain chips (lays) offer the bags for $.50 small great for kids. also offer with my combo 1 dog 1 drink and FREE chips about 33% of the people do not want the chips, because the chips are free and they(customer) are not paying for them. go figure. sell em all
Kettle chips are all the rave right now. In Arizona Costco Business will be selling single serve bags of there own brand kettle chips on October 3rd. With there name on the bag we should have no trouble offering it exclusively. You know they will sell.
I have left the Frito Lay Chips along the road, and went on with Granny Goose. I get a 3 variety packs of 20 for less than Costco’s Variety pack of 50. In the Granny Goose pack there are 5 each of, Regular Chips, BBQ, Sour Cream & Onion, and Ruffles style. No one seems to care, and they sell evenly real well, I rarely have on flavor left over, and I also get many request as to where I get them.
Hot Diggidy Dog
Thanks Paul!
I started out buying the variety packs too. But i would always run out of the favorites first. Then I got smart and I now buy the 50 bag box of single chips at Sams. I sell the 3 most popular chips and I never have any(duds) left over.
When I have an abundance of one chip or the other I just move them to eye level.
It never fails that folks will grab what they see first. Also works for chips that are close to expiration date.
Give it a try!
Works in the grocery biz too.
Am I the only one that noticed the price they are asking or am I reading it wrong? Over $1.00 for a bag of chips? I sell my chips for $1.00 The Restaurant Depot sells mixed bags that offers me greater than 100% mark up at $1.00
Am I reading this wrong?
That’s what it looks like Joe, but I believe these are the large bags – and they ship them to you for free. I guess you would need to see if the larger bags sell at the cart and what kind of mark up you can command.
I thought it was $.50 per bag or .59 and sell for $1.50 it is the same bag walmart sells for $1.23 the bigger bag! Not the small mouthful and it is gone bag.
I like Fritos. I eat the ones I don’t sell. No probs
I have been known to squirt a ribbon of Easy Cheese on the old Fritos and eat them with a spoon. Pretty tasty!
I looked into this program and it sounds good until you see the price per bag. One example is a bag cost $0.82, and the retail price you have to ask is $1.09 and it’s printed on the bag. I don’t know about you, but I try to keep my costs below 33%. I realize that usually you are making most of your profit from the combo packs, but I sell a lot of chips solo. Just a little FYI. This might work for a some, but I’ll stick to Costco and Smart and Final combo packs and creative ways of selling fritos.
Maybe your kids (or a friends kids, of course for a small fee) could sell the leftovers door to door in nice neighborhoods raising money for a “‘tree house’ in the back yard”. Folks always love helping kids that work for something they really want. Or try a chips and lemonade stand.
Get the kids involved. Make a bet who can sell the most or who sells Em all the fastest. The kids can sell em, no doubt!