member Dave King is one of those slingers who I hold in the highest regard.
Dave was a victim of military budget cutbacks and found himself involuntarily “retired” from the Army. With his income suddenly decimated and a family to feed, he had to act fast.
Dave got the E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart Video and Plans Package (also available inside the Hot Dog Profits Premium training) and got to work.

click for larger image of Dave’s awesome E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart
He built his E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart in three days and started slingin’ dogs outside of Harbor Freight Tools 96 hours after he got his hands on the plans. Now THAT is what I call taking massive action!
Since then he has built a second E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart and a stand-in shaved ice trailer for his daughter. Pretty cool!
Dave called me last week with some information that will be of interest to current and former military personnel. He asked me to relay this in the hopes that it will help all the veterans who read this newsletter.
In the state of Indiana, vending and peddling license fees are waived for military veterans.
I know that New York City (perhaps the state also?) exempts veterans from having to pay these fees.
I’m guessing that other states may have similar exemptions for vets.
I’m calling on all slingers to let us know if the state you live in has a similar policy. This could help a lot of former and current service men and women. And they deserve it – heroes, every one of them.
Here is the info Dave sent me for the state of Indiana:
Information Maintained by the Office of Code Revision Indiana Legislative Services Agency IC 25-25-2 Chapter 2. Exemption of Certain Military Personnel From Vending and Peddling License Fees
IC 25-25-2-1 Veterans; right to license without fee Sec. 1. (a) This section applies to: (1) any veteran described in IC 10-17-5-2 or IC 10-17-5-1; or (2) any other veteran to whom this chapter applies because of the provisions of any other statute; who holds an honorable discharge from such service issued by the proper authorities. Such a person shall be entitled to a license to vend, hawk, and peddle goods, wares, fruits, and merchandise in any county, city, or town in Indiana without the payment of any fee for the license. Upon the presentation of the person’s certificate and papers of discharge, properly executed, to the auditor of any county and proving the person’s identity as the person named in the person’s certificate of honorable discharge, the auditor shall issue to the former soldier or sailor a free license to vend, hawk, and peddle goods, wares, fruits, and merchandise in the county and in all cities and towns in the county. A fee may not be charged to the holder of the license by the auditor, by the authorities of any city or town in the county, or by any other officer. The license shall be full and complete authority to vend, hawk, and peddle without the payment of any sum of money. (b) A person who acquires a license under this section is subject to all county, city, or town regulations and ordinances concerning vendors, hawkers, or peddlers, except for those provisions requiring payment of money for obtaining a license. (Formerly: Acts 1895, c.121, s.1; Acts 1899, c.42, s.1.) As amended by Acts 1979, P.L.247, SEC.1; Acts 1980, P.L.38, SEC.16; P.L.16-1983, SEC.17; P.L.2-2003, SEC.66.
Slingers, please let us know if your state does something similar in the comments below.
Thank you all who have served!
Wow! I don’t know but surely will look into it! Thanks for the tip as usual ! (Cleveland,OH)
Let us know what you find out Robert!
i’m getting yhe small town politics because a ice cream stand wants to sell hot dogs and hamburgers. i’ve been on private property for many years and now because this indivigual has political affiliation in the town their trying to drive me away with the bullshit term called zoning. it’s all small town politics and croanyism. the town hall gives me the run-around and tell me about the great expense they payed out to get zoning. when i go to the town hall i’m treated like the playgue. they have no reguards for vetreans . they talk about how much money they have spent,but the years i spent on patrol in beirut,lebannon so these greedy bastards could sleep peacfully at night ,have no idea how much of my life i have put up for this country.
You have MY thanks for sure Chris. All military personnel and first responders are heroes in my opinion. Contact your local newspaper and tell them your story. They love writing about underdog heroes.
I’m not a vet myself, but I am very glad to hear about this. They deserve this at the very least. Best of luck Dave!
California seems friendly:
Business License, Tax and Fee Waiver
The Benefits
Waiver of municipal, county and state business license fees, taxes and fees, for veterans who hawk, peddle or vend any goods, wares or merchandise owned by the veteran, except spirituous, malt, vinous or other intoxicating liquor, including sales from a fixed location.
Who May Be Eligible
Honorably discharged veterans who engage in sales (not services) activities may be eligible. Eligibility criteria differs based upon local jurisdiction.
How to Apply
Bring proof of honorable discharge to your local appropriate county/city licensing authority.
Pasted from
Awesome. Thanks so much Joe!
I live by Hickory Nc I was a first responder who was injured in 9/11 when I was a police officer and was in the army. I was told by E. H. They didn’t care who I was that I still have to pay for the permit and have a com, and no one on my county or around what’s to use them.
Go pleas America!!!!!
This is great info. Thanks Steve for sharing. This guy made it happen.
Yes he did. He’s pretty humble about it too. Great guy.
Thanks Steve. Hope it helps fellow vets. Tell them to keep pushing for a yes if they get a no at first. They can also contact their local veterans administration representative for help or info.
NJ does the same thing.My understanding is if you are a vet you can get a Peddling License and you can set up in whatever town you want and not pay any fees.Some towns don’t allow food carts but if you have this license they can’t stop you.I think this goes for any state.
Awesome. Thanks Kevin!
Steve I forgot to add the license is issued by the government not sure how vets get it. I am sure if the call the veterans association they can help them
The below information came from the Georgia Department of Veterans Services,
I would not qualify because I have an addional income that is liable for state income taxes. I hope this will help some of the vendors out there in Georgia.
Certificate of Exemption: Disabled Veterans are exempt from payment of occupational taxes, administration fees, and regulatory fees imposed by local governments for peddling, conducting a business, or practicing a profession or semi profession.
Eligibility: Veterans must (1) be discharged under honorable conditions from the armed forces of the United States; (2) have 10 percent physical disability for certain wartime Veterans or a 25 percent service-connected physical disability for peace time-only Veterans; and (3) have an income that is not liable for state income taxes.
Good!! Good!!
Great info Michael. You don’t qualify because you’re too good looking. Makes every one else jealous. 😉
Here in San Joaquin County, California they wave all fees except your initial inspection fee. But they try to keep it under wraps. When I discovered this I went back and the county gave me the money I paid back.
Good for you! Thanks for the info Chappy.
New Jersey had a vet’s licenses back in the 50’s, when I tried in Florida they thought I was nuts. In New Jersey the Vet licenses allow you to solicit vend or hawk any were in New Jersey
Thanks Frank!
New York counties such as the one I live in (Ulster), there are 62 counties in New York state. Ulster does offer an exemption for military personnel.I think most counties do.
Thanks Brian.
Greetings from Michigan Steve. Mich. has a state law on the books that allows a veteran to “peddle” his wares anywhere in the state with a free permit available at the county clerks office. This allows him or her to sell anywhere without any additional permits (city-or any). For your info. I do have mine and will have my already built cart licensed.
Regards- Jim
Nice. Send me pics Jim and thanks for your service to our country.
Anyone know if this pertains to Illinois or Arizona ?
I also live in MI; “up north” in Cheboygan County. I have been told I can only get an individual site which must be pre-approved by the county (Emmett) and cannot sell anywhere in Petoskey proper. Cheboygan has similar restrictions and the fees are substantial. For the MI writer, where do I find the info you provided? Thanks.
I am a vet here in East Tennessee slinging dogs. I will check to see if there is a similar law applicable to Vets in this state or county. Thanks for the info gentlemen. Happy slingin.
Thanks Bill! Let me know what you find out.
WOW Wish I had found this sooner. Need to find out what that will save me here in Peru. I am Navy Vet of 10 years this is great news as I am building my cart.
Hello Steve,.I just bought my hot dog cart today, and wanted to know if any one would know what I would be required to get for permitts & license, HAVE PERMISSION FROM MILITARY BASE COMANDER in Falmouth Ma . also I am a DAV would I be exempt from mass state fees. Thank YOU PATIENTLY AWAITNG YOUR RESPONCE. Richard
Hi Richard,
You will need to get an inspection from your local health department and you may need a permit from the city to sell food.
As far as commissaries, permits, locations, inspections, and all the other details required to be successful, I’m going to give it to you straight.
Here’s what I recommend:
If you’ve never done this before, you need to join my Hot Dog Profits Premium membership. You’ll learn more there than you would in a month of expensive and stressful trial and error at the job site.
It’s really an investment in your success. You can get more info at
Go ahead and sign up today. I’ll see you inside.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!
Here in Milford Connecticut, both the Police and Health Departments don’t charge for license or inspections for veterans.
Awesome. Thanks!
I moved from NJ to NC in 2/15 with the idea of starting a HD buss.. Since then I’ve found that NC treats the vets a lot differently than NJ. That saddens me because I live in Jacksonville NC the home of the largest Marine Base in the world. I have yet to start the business for varies reasons, but maybe someday I’ll get around to it.
Don’t give up. There are always a few hurdles to overcome whenever you start any kind of business. You can do it! And thank you for your service sir.
Steve I have the Michigan Veterans Peddlers License I got it free if charge at the Mecosta County Building. The City Of Big rapids waved their lines requirement they gave me permission to set up on any sidewalk in Big Rapids along as there was a 4 ft right of way for people to walk. They will not allow me to set up in a city parking lots. Or in the city parks unless there is a special event like a music festival. So this Veterans peddlers license gives you the ability to set up in some spots but not where ever you want. I called another city Ludington Mi and they would not honer the Veterans peddlers license.
Hope this helps
The Dog Slinger
Have Buns Will Travel
Thanks Mark!
Does anyone have info on the State of Texas?
Always go straight to the source for your information. Start at city hall and ask who you need to talk to regarding vending permits for veterans. This avoids a lot of well meaning but inaccurate “he said, she said” information.
Hi Guys,
Here in Flawduh, Gov Scott recently signed a bill for “No license fees” to Honorably discharged disabled Vets.
Also included are provisions for recently discharged ( not disabled) and their spouses.
Look up for exact info.
I have been told but have yet to find and see a copy of a Federal Bill the was introduced right after the civil war that supposedly states that no license is required for honorably discharged vets to sell goods anywhere. Seems like a stretch but it is supposedly in every state, city and counties books if one know how to find this sort of thing.
Hope this helps,
Ken Houy former U.S. Army Special Forces ( Abn) and past president of the National Association of Roadside Vendors (no longer in existence)
Thanks for the info Ken, and more thanks for your service!
Any information on Arizona weather they offer the same?
Good piece – I loved the insight . Does anyone know where my business would be able to get ahold of a blank MI DoT 5107 form to use ?
Hey buddy need some info I live in N,J, I got my peddlers license looking to purchase a hotdog truck am I gonna need any other permits , can I sell anywhere or who would let me know where I could sell at,
If you’ve never done this before, you need to take this course.
It will save you a LOT of headaches and wasted money.
Thanks for this info, Steve. I’m crossing my fingers, toes, and anything else, that my state (NY) has this exemption. It would really help me get up and slinging!
How about florida?
Not sure. You’ll have to check.
I’m a navy vet living in northern Arizona does this apply here in AZ ? I also lived in NJ and still have my peddlers license from there
You’ll have to check with the local authorities. Best of luck and thanks for your service!